Izaya x reader x Mikage

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It was another ordianry day. For you atleast. Your days seemed to be ordinary  to you, but to others, quite odd actually. Here you had a strong munipulater in your hands , the other a strong independent  woman, who were both basically crushing on you. Of course only one of them showed it, the shows it by being over protective and jelous all the time. Izaya was lf course the over protective one, he hated to admit it though.
"Izaya, me and Mikage are going to get sushi at Simons, we'll be back."
"What , it might be dangerous. Im coming with you."
Mikage looks up at Izaya and sighs
"Leave it to orihara to be our third wheel Y/n."
"I am not a third wheel , I dont even think of Y/n like that."
"So thats what you tell yourself ~"you both said in harmony.
"Its not my fault that I wanna keep my Y/n from getting hurt, why do you Mikage, such awful thoughts"
"Just like a child, wanting something you cant have."
You could see the tension between them growing.
"Can we go get sush  now?"
"Yeah ,its alright though orihara I can take care of Y/n myself."
"No I insist I come."
"Who givess a damn whos coming!  Lets go already." You groaned

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