An Assassin At Heart

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There i was dangling out of a window. I am truly terrified to think that with a flick of a wrist i could end up falling to my death.

"Get the hell in here girl!" Roberts yelled pulling me in the window and onto the floor.

"How did you-"

I was stopped by a blow to my jaw and as a result i staggered back onto the desk and knocked off what was on it which was a few papers, a candle,an inkwell and quill.

"First off why are you in here!" Roberts pushed me off the desk and onto the floor.

"Why do you have the robes!" Roberts yelled again, but this time he kicked my chest knocking the air from my lungs and leaving me grabbing my throat gasping for air.

"And please tell me why you are trying to escape when you should be in your room!" Roberts yelled grabbing me by the neck and then slapping me before throwing me towards the door.

I laid there motionless regrets filled my mined. I wanted to give in, but i just can't let someone do this to me. He has controlled my life for two long and now i am going to change that.

I gathered up what was left of my bravery and got to my feet dizzy and unstable. I walked up to him, "You will not control my life any longer! I am not your practice dummy. I am a human!"

Roberts smiled as if he was impressed, "Your just like your mother."

"Don't talk about my mother or my parents!"

Roberts took off his hood for the first time since I was around him. He had jet black hair like my brothers where as me and Clara had light brown hair and he also had pale light tan skin like my siblings. He had the Adiviche green eyes my father always had, like all of my siblings had. He was tall and skinny like me and Stefano even though he was older than me.

Roberts smile got wider as he pushed a piece of my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear, "Silvia, you are my family."

Those words smacked me in the face as I thought.

"Your not my family, your a murderer." I yelled.

"I know you don't believe me, but just think about it, You look exactly like me and your mother."

I looked at him. He did look like me and he resembled the twins very much.

"Then who was that man you killed a few weeks ago?"

"He was your stepfather Silvia, he looks nothing like you and your mother left me before you were born ."

"Your lying!" I yelled pushing him away.

"No I'm not, I remember Stefano telling you many times before that there are people in this world that do horrible things and the key is to never sink down to their level Silvia, you have to make a promise to always be honest and truthful so people like them don't get to you."

"I glared at him replaying the last time he Stefano said that. "People do horrible things Silvia, the key is to never sink down to their level." I thought. He said that in a calm tone. We were alone. how could he know?

"I was always around you Silvia. I always was, but you never noticed me."

"I don't believe it."

"You don't have to, your an assassin you are trained not to, even though you don't want to you just have to try."

I stared at this newly found father. He looked back at me. I could feel that he wasn't lying. I just didn't want to believe it.

"Father?" I said quietly.

He let out a breath of air and smiled, "I was always their for you."

I walked up to him and hugged him tight.

He wrapped his arms around me and spoke calmly," I am not about to let you leave and run away without me with you every step of the way."

I smiled and felt his tight grip and warmth around me. I couldn't forgive him and he didn't deserve my respect, but I could see what he could do and i could see right threw him. He was like me. Full of emotion and he felt like he was suppose to fill the empty gap in my heart that broke threw ever since my life started falling apart.

"I need to know your real name now." I asked still wrapped in my fathers arms.

"A name is but a title that people use to identify someone, but if you truly need to know my name is James Adiviche and I come from a long line of assassins.

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