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"Excuse me I need to use the restroom," Mari said quickly standing up and walking away from the table.

"Hyung what did you say to her?" Yugyeom asked looking at Mark when Mari left the table.

"Nothing, why?" Mark asked looking at his menu.

"She seemed a little shock," Yugyeom said looking at his menu.

Mark just shook his head and told him to order. Mari looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks bright red. Her heart still raising at what Mark said.

'A date? Does he want this to be a date?' She thought to herself.

After she dried her face she walked out of the bathroom and made her way to the table. A plate of Parmesan Pasta in front of her seat.

"We order for you. Hope it's okay with you." Mark said when Mari sat back down

"Thank you." Was all Mari said as he looked down at her plate.

She could already feel her cheeks heating up and her hands getting sweaty. She quickly wiped her hand on her pants before picking up the fork and started to eat.

There was a small silence for a while before Yugyeom spoke up.

"So Noona how do you like living in Seoul so far? You've been here almost four months right?" Yugyeom asked.

Mari nodded and cover her mouth with her hand."Yeah, it's going to be four months."

"Do you like it here though? Or do you want to go back to the States?" Mark asked her.

Mari looked down at her plate, her cheeks burning once again. She clears her throat before answering and looked into Mark's eyes.

"I like it here. A LOT actually."


Mari looked at her uncle with wide eyes. Her mouth hanging open as he told her his plan.

"You want me to go with them?" She said.

JYP nodded and looked at the folder in front of him.

"Yes. Since I'm going to be gone for a bit a rather you be with them than being home alone. You guys seem to have gotten close too. So that won't be a problem." He answered looking up at her.

"Okay, but what would I be doing while I'm with them? Stay in the hotel?" Mari asked. If she was just going to stay in the hotel she saw no point in going.

"No, actually I plan on making you their stylist. You went to school for that before coming here. So I'm giving you a job."

Mari's eyes widen and smiled. She's been waiting forever to get a job as a stylist after she finished school.

"Really? You're not messing with me?" She asked happily.

JYP shakes his head and smiles."So what do you say? Will you be GOT7s stylist?"

"Yes!" Mari said and jumped out her seat, running to her uncle and hugging him. She thanked him over and over.

Before her uncle could say anything else she ran out of the office and down the stairs to where the boys practice room.

Now that she was their stylist she had a reason to see Mark every day.

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