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I hated moving but I never knew why though. I used to be social and outgoing like my parents and siblings wanted me to be like but once my parents found out who I was I didn't hang out with my old friends anymore and never contacted them or told them why. I still get calls from Hannah most likely wondering how I've been and that she misses hanging out with me. She used to call twice every week and leave a voice mails but I never listened to them and after a while my phone never rang again. We used to live in Tennessee but after my parents got in a accident we couldn't bear to live in our house anymore. To many memories. My siblings never did understand me which was normal for them because they fight so much that they never really do pay attention.
    "No Michael to get to Lawerance, Kansas you take two more right's then a left!"
"Are you sure? I remember it being two left's then a right."
My sister stared at Micheal and then crumbled up the map and just like what she does crossed her arms and looked out the window. The car came to a sudden hault on the side of the road and Michael looked over at Anna.
"Uncrummble that map and tell me where to go! Because I remember it being two left's then a right."
Anna turned around to Michael and gave him a death look, like she was fed up with him.
"No it was two left's then a right!"
Michael's face lit up and a giant smile grew on his face.
"So I was right?"
"No! You're messing me up it was two right's then a left."
Anna uncrummbled the map and handed it to Michael. She pointed at the spot we were then pointed to Lawerance, Kansas.
"See two right's then a left."
Michael growled at Anna and kept on driving.
"You annoy me."
I rolled my eyes and put my ear buds in so the bickering from everyone would come to a end.
I have four siblings. Anna, Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. We don't care for Lucifer that much, well I don't care for Lucifer that much. He ran off a couple years ago because he hated the idea of family and wanted to be on his own. Instead of telling everyone he was leaving he separately told me he didn't care for this family, that he was leaving and would most likely never return. I had to tell my entire family that which hurt because me and Lucifer were close and then he told me he didn't care about us, he didn't care for me.
So Michael is basically the caregiver in the family, Anna is the second oldest, then it's me and my little brother Gabriel. My parents didn't like normal names so they gave us unique ones except for Anna and Michael. My name is Castiel but everyone calls me Cas except for Michael but he really doesn't call me anything. The only time he says my name, and not my nickname is when he's pissed off at me which is about twice a week.

We pulled up in the drive way of our new house in Kansas. There was four of us and luckly we each got our own rooms. Mine was on the very top floor with the window going onto to the roof so I could sit up there at night where no-one could find me. Anna and Michael shared the basment which has two bedrooms and one bathroom. While Gabriel got the second floor to himself and I got the third floor which was literally like a giant living room and then a door that lead into my giant bedroom. It was nice. I didn't like getting out much after what happened to mom and dad.
I sat on the bed and thought about that night. As much as I tried not to think about it I always do.


Mom and dad were arguing once again while they had to pick me up from my friends house. I started to slowly not like hanging out with Tristian because he got into some trouble sometimes. But mom and dad were arguing about me. They have been for three days after they found out I was gay. Mom was fine with it because in her eyes her children were still her children but my father was disappointed. I couldn't tell if he was in me, him or both. He felt like he didn't do something right to make me this way. While I was in the backseat mom and dad were still arguing and I decided to butt in stupidly.
"If you two will stop fighting over me I would appreciate it! Its who I am and if you can't accept it I'll leave!"
My dad turned around from driving and looked me dead in the eye.
"Then do! I'm sick of fighting with mom. I'm sick of your behavior. I'm sick with you being anti-social and I'm sick of having a son that's like you I did not raise a fag!"
My heart sunk. My eyes became glossy. And I stared at my father. There was shaking in my voice but I could still get my sentence out.
And after that sentence there were bright lights and a loud horn in front of us. The last thing I remeber is waking up in the car side ways. I looked over at my parents and they weren't moving. I heard someone out side yelling something but then I blacked out.

That night was awful. The last thing my father heard me say was 'go to Hell.' and that was the last thing my mom heard her son say. Of course I blame me. They we're fighting about me. I butt in. My dad yelled at me,  he turned around and instead of obeying him so he could turn around and keep on driving I had to say one more thing. And if I didn't say what I said they would be alive. I would most likely be grounded right now but my parents would be alive. The parents I killed.

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