Please, Forgive Me

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I sat on the bed and starred at the wall. The words 'you'll never understand' kept playing in my head over and over again. I picked up a picture I threw at my bed earlier. It was a picture of me and my parents. The only one I really wanted in there was my mom though. She was the only one that really understood me in the family. The only one that accepted me. Even though my mom and Dad only knew about me being gay, my mom was there for me. After I got out of the hospital it was hard to tell my siblings the real story. So I made up one to let them forget it and so I wouldn't have another problem on my hands.


As the doctor brought me in the lobby after about a week in the hospital all my sibling stood up and walked over to me. I looked over at the doctor and told her that I was okay to walk to my car. As she nodded we did as I told her and me and Gabriel got in the back seat. Anna turned around and stared at me.
She shook her head and looked back out side the windshield.
"It might be too hard for you right now."

"You want to know?"

I saw Anna shook her head and she looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Well I didn't feel comfortable at Tristians so mom and dad picked me up. They started arguing about me being anti-social and mom didn't mind it but dad did. I told him him If he didn't like me being anti-social I'll leave, he said okay go cause he was sick of me being that way and I told him to go to hell. Then the truck hit us. We spun out-----."
My eyes started to get glossy. I did the speech a thousand times to it sounded like it really did happen and that was the only thing we talked about. Anna grabbed my hand and told me I didn't have to continue. I shook my head and didn't listen.
"We spun out..... Hit the rock walk on the side of the road. The front side hit the wall and made the front of the car....... smush in. We kept spinning. Another car hit.... Flipped.... Then landed sideways. Mom and Dad died............. Hitting the wall and the car flipping......"
Anna stared at me while tears were rolling down my face. I looked at the window. I quietly said to all of them.
"The last thing dad heard me say... Was go to hell. That was the last thing mom heard as well. If only we didnt argue. Or if I obeyed and didn't tell him that he would of turned around and we could all be home right now. This is all my fau--."

"Castiel this isnt anyone's fault."

Before I put the picture up I heard a small knock on the window. I opened up the certains to see Dean sitting there in front of me. He awkwardly waved at me while I opened it up.

Dean entered my room and stood in front of me.

"Dean you can't just walk in here."

"I can. And I'll tell you why."


"No Cas. I'm sorry. I didn't know about your parents and how they got in a fight. No matter what I don't think it was your fault. And I'm sorry they didnt accept you."

"Accept me?"

"My brother said that. I don't know what it means or where he got it from."

"I know who told. Did Anna talk to him today?"


"She's the only one in this house that knows about me."

Dean looked at me very confused. I looked down and I could tell tears were forming in my eyes.


"It might of not been my fault. But it's the fact he was yelling at me. Turned around to yell at me. And I kept pushing him more and more. And he didn't accept me which pissed me off more."

"What do you mean accept?"

"You can't know. You'll hate me too."

A tear rolled down my face and Dean wipped it away with his thumb.

"I won't hate you Cas."

Every time he said my name my stomach would do flips. He was cute. And loyal. And he cared.

"I'm. I'm-----."

More tears rolled down my face. It was to hard to say it.

"I can't. I actually have a friend and I cant ruin it. And it's to soon to tell you. I've only been here a day. I'm sorry but you have to go."

Dean looked down and nodded.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

Dean looked down and asked me quietly.

"Do you at least forgive me?"


As Dean looked up he had a smile on his face. He slowly walked down the roof and jumped. As I kept watching him he stood on his porch and waved then walked inside.

I truly like that guy.

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