Chapter 1

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Here I am yet again sitting in the crowd proudly watching my best friend with the school basketball team vs an away team.

"GO JODIE! SHOW THEM WHAT'S GOOD!" I yell at the top of my lungs hoping that he hears me. An hour passes by and now the intense game is over, we won I am so proud of him.

"Hey Riri, we won!" Jodie says as he's walking toward me out of breath waving.

For everyone who doesn't know my name is Ritia but I sometimes get called riri since it's my nickname, sorry for the late introduction.

"How about we order cheesecake & celebrate at my house Jodz?" I requested to Jodie.
"Sounds good and i'll be in charge of bringing the drinks, I'll meet at yours later. Be prepared because i'm sleeping over girlfriend." Jodie replies full of excitement.

It's been a few hours since school finished and i'm at home preparing the cheesecake and getting my bedroom ready for when Jodie comes by. I told my twin brother Johnny not to disturb me tonight because Jodie is staying the night, but it's not like he cares since he spends most of his time with his weirdo friends who call themselves NCT127 since they're the 'most popular' guys at my school full of 6,000 students. I've put the cheesecake on the coffee table in my room with plates and utensils, I also got out my spare pillows for when Jodie stays over.

"I should also get some glasses since Jodz said he was bringing drinks." I said and quickly went into the Kitchen to get 2 glasses.

The first thing i see when i leave my room is my stupid twin brother sucking face with someone different from last time, as usual.

"Ew can't you do that in your room, since nobody wants to see that." I demanded.

"Chill little sis, it isn't that bad." Johnny says like nothing is wrong at all.

"Who are you calling little sis? We're only 2 minutes apart, also it is bad since i'm seeing you sucking face with some random skank that's probably already been with half of NCT127 by now. She looks like someone who likes to get around." I said and then made my way into the kitchen to grab the two glasses for me and Jodie and made my way back into my room.

" Just finished prepping everything see you soon xx " I sent to Jodies phone.
" I'm on my way to yours now see you soon girlfriend xo " Jodie texted back like 2mins after I sent the text.
" Also ignore the 2 idiots in the lounge sucking face..." I felt like I needed to warn him, but he never replied back.

There was a sudden knock on my door, I already knew who it was since my brother just walks in whenever he pleases. Jodie walks through my bedroom door with 3 bottles of vodka (as expected from him since his favourite thing to do other than b-ball is drink with his best friend riri which is me).

" Be right back. " I said, making my way back towards the kitchen avoiding my brother sucking face with some random skank.

I look in the refrigerator and get all the different juices and fizzy drinks. Since I thought this wouldn't do at all I sneak into Johnny's room and look in his mini bar and took some of his alcohol. I'm pretty sure he won't notice since he's too busy sucking face to care.

" I'm back." I sung and placed all the drinks on my coffee table and started eating cheesecake with Jodie.

After the cheesecake was all gone Jodie did the honours of pouring our first glass of Vodka mixed with Jin.

"Cheers to your win." I said cheerfully.
"Cheers to my win." Jodie repeated.

We clinked our glasses together and did a one-shot in honour of Jodies win. One glass that turned into two glasses that turned into three that turned into Jodie blacking out before we finished the first bottle. I think I have a high tolerance of alcohol because I only felt tipsy from those strong shots. I don't like seeing Jodz crashed out on the floor because it seems so uncomfortable, so I went to go and look for Johnny to help me. As soon as I left my room I was a bit startled because Haechan was standing right outside my doorway.

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