Murder the Light: Mood Music (Author's Note)

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MURDER THE LIGHT (The Demon Whisperer #2) is now available for pre-order on Amazon!

I usually do all my writing to music.

Music serves a couple purposes. It cuts out all the background sound, the distractions. It keeps my core happy, because music is a vital nutrient for my soul. Most importantly, it keeps my head in the game.

I like to make playlists of the songs that remind me of my characters, the setting, the situations. Every now and then I'll hear a song that makes me just go WOW. That song is my book. A perfect pairing.

And I hear these songs in the weirdest places, too. It's like finding a penny on the street. A neat surprise. An unexpected tiny gift. Some people might thing, Jeez, it's just a penny.

Not me.

I collect these songs and put them in my playlists because they are a source of focus and inspiration.

This book has a playlist that never stops growing. I thought it would be cool have a page for them, so I can share a little bit of myself. Let you see a glimpse of the person doing the writing. A peek at the process.

Since we can imbed video up top, I figure it's a great way to share this.

I will be changing it up so you can always stop back to listen to the next song.

(And if you are following the series, and hear a song that reminds you about Simon, Chiara, and the world of The Demon Whisperer, feel free to leave the song title and artist in the comments. I'd love to hear it!)


Now Playing:


by Queensryche

"You're walking halfway in

But crawling halfway out

There's a void in your mind that you cling to

You feel lost in time, you've got no words to rhyme

No more charms, no more spells to protect you..."

Why this song fits the list:

First of all--it's Queensryche. They fit EVERY list. :)

More importantly, it's where Simon is finding himself more and more. He's getting deeper into powers he shouldn't be messing with and one day, he might be too far into the shadows to be found again. 

"Oh can't you see the lies in front of you
Your journey ends so far, and still the distance
Spins round and round you
Now you cry - give me sanctuary
You scream, but no one listens
Again you cry - give me sanctuary
Until the end I'll fight and die ..." 

Haunting, beautiful, tragic. This song evokes so many emotions for me and I feel Simon in every one of them.


Previously Playing...


by Ryan Cabrera

"On all the way down

I saw you

And you save me from myself

And won't forget the way you love me

And on the way down

I almost fell right through

But I held on to you..."

Why this song fits the list:

This song is Simon. This is what Chiara means to him. The opening lines fit him perfectly, both in a grand sense of his life and spiritual struggle but also in a quite literal sense. All I'll say about that part is *cough cough chapter six*...I mean, spoilers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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