Night Four Part Two

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I quickly looked around for speakers.

"What the fuck!!" I called aloud. I hated being unfamiliar with... anything. I definitely didn't like this. "Yeah, I got the memo," I spat at nothing, struggling to keep the quiver from my hands.

I squeezed Bonnie's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, I think she wants to help us. She practically saved my life before." I realized it was true. Without this mystery girl, the little eye thing would have gotten to me. Then I remembered the poster in the room where I first heard her. "Are you that little clown girl? Baby?"

I narrowed my eyes. Little clown girl? Where there more animatronics??? Please, please no. But I swallowed my fear again. "They're looking for us?" I said. "Where are they?"

She giggled again, "You know, he asked those same questions." Then it almost sounded like her voice was whispering to tell a secret like little kids do, "He was just like you. Running. All the time." I stared up at the ceiling. What was going on now? This was just ridiculous.

"Who?" I asked. My voice broke, and I mentally kicked myself. "Who is 'he'?"

My heart broke with Bonnie's voice. It was so pitiful, and he was trying so hard to be strong. The truth was, without his gigantic robot suit of armor like some kind of furry knight, he wasn't invincible anymore. And that scared him. I could see it. The girl gasped in sort of a 'eureka' moment. "His name was William. He made us, you know. All of us. But they, they made us. Made us who we are."

My eyes were hot, and I squeezed them shut and shook my head. "How do we get out of here. Who are they?" I understood Mark's curiosity on the first night. It was killing me.

She giggled creepily. "Oh, silly, you don't get out of here. You can't leave." She paused, "Not without me." I laughed sharply. "Say what, now?"

"Is that a threat?" I asked softly, not trusting myself to be louder. I hated the fact that I was still trying to be cocky.

I wrapped an arm around Bonnie, trying to calm him down. I realized he was almost crying. Baby laughed. "No, of course not. It's a promise. You help me, I help you." I didn't wait for Bonnie to respond, I agreed. "Good. Now, go through the right vent into Funtime Auditorium. Funtime Foxy will be on the left. Do not go to the left." Then I felt as if a pressure had been lifted and my ears popped.

I let out a strangled noise. I didn't want to leave the safety of the control room. "Right vent," I muttered quietly.

"Yep. Right vent. I'll be right next to you every step of the way. Well, except for in the vent, but in there I'll be right behind you, so there's that." I hugged him again, trying hard to reassure him that everything would be fine.

I nodded mutely. Trying to arrange my thoughts, I said, in the same tone, "Foxy responds to movement. She said don't go left..." I took a deep breath. I could do it. It was like she had said. A game of hide and seek. I cleared my throat, and then, my voice significantly stronger, I said, "Okay, I'm ready."

I grinned, "Into hell again." I hugged Bonnie one last time and let go, turning towards the vent.

I didn't want him to let go. Why did he have to let go? We turned to the vent, and I ducked into it. Small spaces had never been a big worry for me but I found that all I could think about was getting out of the vent.. And we emerged back in the auditorium. It was just as dark as I remembered and a shiver ran up my spine.

I followed behind Bonnie and emerged in the dark room. "Bonnie?" I couldn't help but whisper. Against my will, I started to worry about the possibility that he wasn't there.

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