Settling In

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I finally spot them inside the mess hall. Gale waves and motions me to come over. I take a seat on the wooden bench.
"Hey, James!" they say.
"Hi," I reply uncomfortably. I see a pile of buns. "May I?"
"Help yourself!" Gale chirps.
Lilly speaks as I take a mouthful of bun. "What were you doing on the run? I mean, we had to awaken you, so it probably wasn't for being a sorcerer."
I swallow. "Yeah, it wasn't because I had magic. Thanks for awakening me, by the way. I do appreciate it," I reply, smiling at them. "My town was invaded by a plague. After my family all died, I fled so as not to share their fate. But people thought I started the disease because of this, so I've been on the run ever since."
"Oh. I'm sorry, Greg," Gale sympathizes, patting me on the back. I grab another bun and bite into it sorrowfully.
"You guys didn't mean anything you said out there, right?" I ask.
"Of course not! You are the last pure fire sorcerer!" Lilly assures. "Which reminds me, have you found out your true name yet?"
I look at her, confused. "True name?" I ponder. "Sorry, but you're going to have to explain a lot of stuff. I didn't get to talk with Old Man Rick for very long."
Lilly snickers at my nickname for Richard. "Your true name is the name associated with your mark. You might also call it your magic name. For example, I wasn't originally named 'Lilly'. My original name was Eloise. But after reading my mark, I discovered my magic name was Lilly, as in Water Lilly, as I'm a water sorceress. Gale was originally called Morgan, but her proper or true or magic name is Gale, as she uses air magic."
"So why do I need a new name? Isn't James enough?"
"Well, your true name is your actual name," Gale explains. "Long ago, elemental sorcerers realized that their names have away that they were magic. So instead, they gave themselves regular names, like Richard, and their actual name could be found by casting the name spell on the sorcerer's mark."
I open my mouth to reply but am interrupted by Richard's voice.
"Good morning, everyone!" I look around but can't see him.
Gale leans over. "He's carrying his voice with wind magic," she explains.
"Immediately after breakfast, I would like everyone to meet at the city square," Richard's voice goes on. "After that, your day will proceed as normal. Thank you for your patience."
After a delicious meal, we all go to the city square. Gale and Lilly are nearly bursting with excitement. I am more confused than ever.
We arrive, and the sight takes my breath away. It is so beautiful, I don't know if it's possible to describe. A giant Willow tree grows in the centre of a clearing, it's leaves providing shade for a platform. Houses surround the clearing, which is filled with beautiful flowers. The tower is a little ways away. I'm surprised I didn't see this place when I left the tower. Magical creatures I could only imagine run about. And standing on the platform is Richard.
"Thank you all for coming," he begins. "Today is a special day, for today, we have found a new sorcerer!" This brings a thunderous applause. Lilly and Gale push me onto the platform.
The Mage turns to me. "Are you ready to begin your initiation ceremony?" he asks.
I nod, nervously.
"Wonderful!" he exclaims, clapping his hands together. "We will begin by finding your true name."
I nod again. He rolls up my sleeve. With a wave of his hand and a strange word, a little ball of light flies forth, landing on one of my marks. A split second later, the fiery word "PYRUS" springs forth from my arm, startling me. The crowd grows silent, staring at me with a look of curiosity and awe. Richard also looks awed, but he quickly recovers.
"Welcome, Pyrus, to the Sanctuary!" he hollers. This snaps everyone out of their trance and another round of applause follows.
"So, mister Pyrus, I suppose we should get you hooked up in here, shouldn't we?" he says to me.
I shrug. "I guess."
He grows thoughtful. "Hmm, now where do I put you," he ponders. "Aha! Follow me, young lad. Everyone else, you are dismissed. Please head to your classes." He leads me away, through yet another ovation.
"Ah, here we are!" he announces when we stop. Before me is a small house that looks very much like the rest. White walls with wooden crosses. A straw thatched roof. A small box outside the wood door that I know not of.
"That's a mail box," he tells me, noticing my questioning gaze. "You will receive packages and notifications in there. Oh, that reminds me. Please, press your marks to the box."
I roll up my sleeves and do. Immediately, my marks grow hot. I wince.
"You can step away now," he chuckles. Imprinted on the box are my two marks.
"These will tell you and others who lives here. After all, no two marks are the same, so people will know it's you who lives here," he explains. "Go on, step inside."
I do. Inside, there is a hall to my right and to my left. Looking to my right, I can see a door at the end of the hall. Walking toward it, I notice another on the right-hand side. I enter the one at the end of the hall. There is a small wood stove, a bed, a blanket and pillow, a desk, quills, ink, and a bookshelf.
"This is your room," Richard informs.
"It-it's amazing," I stutter. There is a window by my bed. Looking out, I get a perfect view of the willow in the square. I turn to Rick. "Will I learn to write?" I'm already a quite proficient reader, but I can't write a thing.
He nods. "And much more, too. In fact, there should be a daily schedule for you in your mail box."
I go to the other room in the hall and open it. It is just a wooden floor, the walls, and a window.
"What's this room?" I ask.
"That," Richard says. "Is your pet's room."
"My pet?"
"Yes. After your done viewing your house, we'll head to the hatchery to pick one out."
I go down the other hall. There are two rooms on either side. On one side is a basic kitchen with a small table. The other door is a washroom. On the other side is a walk in closet and a curious cobblestone room.
"That is your practice room," Richard says from behind me. "It's where you can practice spells without fear of wrecking anything."
I nod. "What now?" I ask.
"Now we go get you a companion and then it's off to lessons!" he replies.
We walk down to the nursery. Opening the door, Richard calls out, "Gaia? Are you in here?"
"Yes," comes a gruff reply. A short, plump lady waddles out of a back room. She has curly, short brown hair and brown eyes that look like the one corner of Richard's. I see a mountain on her right arm. "What can I help ye with?"
"This young man needs a pet," Rick explains.
"Ah, right this way, then," she says in her funny accent. She leads me into a room. I look around, amazed.
"Incredible," I whisper.
Gaia smiles proudly. "Yup, I raised 'em all meself. 'Cept a couple, course. Ricky raised 'em," she boasts, then motions to a couple odd creatures. They look like lizards, but appear slimy and have 6 legs.
"Well, go on now. Pick out one you like," Richard encourages quietly. I look around at all the beautiful creatures. There are some in a pen labeled "Griffins" and others labeled "Unicorns". I also see some salamanders, curios horses with fiery manes, owls, toads, and even dragons. I look around, flabbergasted. But one little red dragon in the corner of a dragon pen, curled up shyly, catches my eye. Suddenly, I know.
"This one," I say confidently. "Yes, this is the one."
"Ye sure?" Gaia questions. "'E's the runt o' 'is litter."
"Yes. He is the one."
"Alright," she says, throwing her arms up in the air. "If 'e's th' one ye wants, take 'im. I dunno if 'e's gonna do ya much good."
Richard leans into the pen and scoops him up. "There you are," he says to me. "A wonderful choice. I think you will be quite content with this creature."
I take him from Richard and cradle him in my arms. He croaks. "Hello, little guy," I say to him, stroking his head. He chirps.
"Eventually, you will be able to understand his chirps and roars, and he will understand you," Richard says. "What are you going to name him?"
I look at the little guy. His shimmering red scales. His radiant yellow belly. His intelligent eyes. His sharp horns and large wings. I think. Then it suddenly pops into my head, like a whisper only I can hear. Firebolt.
"Firebolt," I announce. "His name is Firebolt."
The Mage smiles. "Great decision!" he commends. "Very suiting."
Gaia gives me some dragon kibble, a bed, and some toys. "Ther's a recipe fer th' food on th' package if yer want t' make yer own," she tells me. I nod and thank her. Then, cradling my sleeping dragon, Richard and I head back to my house.
When we arrive, I make sure I grab my schedule from my mailbox. After we set up Firebolt's room, I plop down on my bed and take a look. I read it.

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