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Hello, readers! It's me, Whitestar16, and I've just got a couple quick things to say about my book.

First of all, HUGE thank you to RandomUser1411 over at Deviant Art for allowing me to use her artwork as a cover for this book. She is an AMAZING artist, so if you haven't already, I recommend checking out her stuff. It's pretty incredible what she can do. I might even upload a picture book of it if she wants me to and allows me to...

Also, this is the first proper book I ever wrote, so it probably really sucks. I'd like to apologize now, the plot at one point becomes a little twisted and hard to follow, as well as a little pointless. This was because I changed the direction of the book multiple times while I was writing it. So yeah. Sorry.

Another thank you goes out to 14leaf for telling me about this site. 14leaf is a very talented and poetic writer, and if you haven't already, you should read her books. She has two uploaded and in the making, and they are growing into quite the masterpieces.

I want to apologize for the absolute god-awfulness of this book and it's writing. No exaggeration when I say that I visibly cringed at some parts while rereading. It's absolutely awful. Sorry.

Finally, I want to thank all the authors out there. If not for all the books that were written so I could read them, I never would have come to write this. In particular, I was inspired by The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann and Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, as I'm sure you'll notice if you've read those books. So yeah. And thanks to all you guys for reading my books!

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