Anime Fanfiction Awards! What!!!

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i don't even know what to say!

So a few days ago i entered this book into the Anime Fanfiction Awards, i wasn't expecting to win because i know a lot of amazing graphic designers who joined too. To my surprise, i ended up winning 4th place! 

To others it may not be a big win but to me in my head i'm just like, "WTF I MADE IT WITH MY HORRIBLE GRAPHICS!?!" I am so honored, and i'm so happy!!!

Thank you to @AnimeFanficAwards for being coolio people! 

New graphics should be up soon! I just need to charge my tablet lol.

Announcement: Okay I'm going to do some shameful self promotion and ask you guys to look out for my new books coming soon! Although, at the moment i'll only be putting up the prologues for now while i work on updating 'Seven (rewrite)' There will be an Akatsuki No Yona book and a Fairy Tail book. 

Thank you guys so much for being coolio llamacorns!

See you next time!!! 

Amani's Graphics PortfolioTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon