The End Is Near

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That's right, my graphics portfolio will soon be coming to a close, once I hit 100 chapters. But that's kinda far away right?

Well sure, it is like 25 chapters away, but I just wanted to finish this portfolio so I can get started on another. Hopefully, in this next one I'll be posting amv's and trailers, among other things.

And I'll be making a cover set for all my stories! One for my graphics and ANOTHER for my stories.

So yea, the updates will kind of be slow but I'll try to post as much as possible. I've actually been writing my chapters for Seven and If I Lose My Mind, so hopefully I'll have that soon.

Question: If I started a campaign about cyber bullying, would you help raise awareness?

Thank you for reading although this isn't a graphics update but more of an update regarding my schedule.

Mani signing out~ peace

Amani's Graphics PortfolioWhere stories live. Discover now