Skyward son: Prologue

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All of my life, I've been different. I've always felt different. I've always sounded different. I've always just been different. It started at my conception. My mom was only pregnant for three days. Every three days, I had a birthday. When I reached eighteen "years" of life, I was only forty six days old. All of my life I have been told my father's an angel. In history they've spoken of gods having children with people, and demons. In history I've never heard of a half human and half angel. My name's Xavier and this is my story, I am the one and only skyward son.Today was supposed to be a special day at Dr. Hazard's. He said he was going to push me harder than ever before. Ever since I can remember I have always been going to this special doctor. The last few visits have begun to grow longer; it's just that he is really starting to act weird. All he does is hook me up to a machine and watch me run on a treadmill or simply pull ups on a bar. It feels like I'm more of a lab rat than a patient. Every time I'm in his office he's fixated with my back. It feels like he's just waiting to do something or waiting on something to happen to me. If his small goatee and little round glasses don't creep me out enough, all he does is smile at me and write on his little note pad.
"Mom! Where's my bag, you know the one with all my medical reports from Doctor Hazard?"
"Do you know where it is?" I asked 
"No, have you checked the desk in the study?" replied Mom.
"Yes, it's nowhere to be found!"  I shouted through the house. 
"Just keep looking for it, it'll show up somewhere or another." replied mom.
Wow, I actually never take time to get anything done. I should've had it found a week ago. "Meow", huh what was that?We don't have a cat. My bag...I see the strap it's being pulled above the skylight. This is not very normal for me at all. I may be able to get to the roof from my window. I hurried over to my window. Wow! This is a very tight squeeze. Come on I'm almost out! Ouch! The window seal scrapped my chest. There's that stinking cat! Come here kitty, here kitty. "Hisssss..."
Did you just seriously hiss at me? I hope you realize, flea bag, you're on my roof. As I started closer to the cat it slowly backed up. No kitty you're getting to close to the edge!  "Meow!" No, you silly cat. I jumped off the roof and caught the cat. How? How am I floating? As soon as I realized it I fell into my neighbors bushes.
"Oh, hi, Miss Rogers!" I said embarrassedly astonished, with a hint of a smile.
"How did you do that?" she asked looking like she saw a ghost.
"What are you talking about?" I said with a slight hope of confusing her.
"You were flying! I saw you!" she screamed.
"Oh, did you hear that?  My mom's calling me. I better get going." I replied with a blushed smile.  As I pulled myself to my feet, I started running toward the house.
"Did you find it yet honey?" asked Mom.
"I got it, let's go I'm going to be late." I replied quickly as Mom was hurrying to get the car keys.

Skyward Son Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora