Skyward Son Chapter two: The escape

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I continued to stare at the vent. I rose from the marble tiles and clenched my fist. My heart dropped when I heard the doctor kick open the stall next to me. I leaped into the air my bony lightly, feathered wings shot out of my back as I soared upward. I went head first through the vent. I heard the doctor shout my name as I continued through it.
I continued clutching my fist as I went through the vent. At the main end of the vent was a bright light so I pressed my body forward. I gained great speed as I burst through the cap of the vent. I lost my balance and my wings shot back into my body. I blocked my face from the hard roof top surface. My body bounced and scraped against the roof. I couldn't stop myself so I continued off of the edge. As I started falling, I wrapped my arms around a nearby flag pole. I hung on for dear life, it slowly started snapping and bending. As it broke, I spiraled down to an inevitable death, but on the long way down I suddenly stopped. I realized I was hovering off the ground. My wings were the only things keeping me away from an 80 story drop. I slowly continued down, as I reach the ground my wings came back into my body. I started running to where my mom's car was, the car wasn't there. I heard claps coming from behind me.
"Very nice job, Mr. Aggelos." Hazard said clapping and smiling.
"Where's my mother?" I shouted loudly.
"She went home; I came out here and told her you'd have to stay overnight." Hazard said chuckling with a sinister tone.
I looked upward at the sky and jumped, my wings shot out and I flew up and started toward the city. I was soaring high as skyscrapers, I maneuvered through the sky and between buildings. I continually ran my hand over the clear, slick and smooth windows. My heart started racing, for once I actually feltalive. I pushed myself harder and started flying faster and faster, but it all came to a stop when I crashed into a billboard. I lost my balance as I fell through the sky. Luckily there was a low open roof top, I wrapped my arms around myself and twisted my body as I spiraled at great speeds toward the roof. I hit it incredibly hard, but as I got up I had no wounds, not even a cut. Then I slowly realized that the scrape from my window was gone and so was the incision made by Hazard.
Can I heal myself?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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