Skyward Son Chapter one: Surgery

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The car ride took at least twenty minutes. We arrived in a hurry, since my appointment was at three and by now it's at least 2:55. I leapt from the car and took off running into the hospital office.
"Hello Mr. Aggelos." said the secretary.
"Hi, is Doctor Hazard ready for me?" I asked
"Yes he is, right this way." The secretary replied. As I walked into his office, I noticed the doctor already had an x-ray table laid out and seemed almost prepared to do surgery.
"How are you today Mr. Aggelos?" excitedly asked Doctor Hazard.
"I'm fine, how are you?" I replied.
"I'm excited about doing this surgery." he replied weirdly.
"Now please Mr. Aggelos, remove your shirt and lay flat on the table." He said with a crooked smile.
He didn't give me a hospital robe or anything (not even medicine.) I lay down onto the table and noticed it was ice cold. Hazard had some weird goggles which I believe helped him see. As he looked at my spine, I noticed he was acting strangely.
"This is extremely exciting, you must hold very still." He said in a very weirdly happy voice.
"Remember, you can trust me. Now say something if it hurts." He said with a small hint of a laugh.
I felt an increasing pain all the way down my spinal cord;turns out he was cutting my skin open. As he reached the end of my spinal column, something shot out, it was wings. They were not very angelic looking, but they were all bone and some small feathers.
"This is very shocking, I've never seen anything like this in my life!" shouted Doctor Hazard. "Just what I've been waiting for!!" Hazard said with a grin.
"I have wings!" I screamed in shock.
"This is very marvelous!" whispered Hazard.
I jumped up off of the table as the wings shot back into my body. I took off down the hall with tears rolling down my face. I ran into the bathroom and cried, I had always known I was a freak but I didn't think I was this big of one. I cried harder because I know I'm alone, trapped on earth by myself forever. I stopped sobbing when I heard the doctor walk in the restrooms. I had realized my "special" status because of my rate of growth but now, I feel so much more alone.
"Where are you Xavier? I know you ran in here!" the doctor loudly asked. I grew quiet; I looked up to the roof. There was a huge vent. "I may be able to fly through it." I though hopefully.

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