An Introduction...

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I was in love. 

I traced the side of his face with my eyes. Taking in all of the details, time and time again. Each time, cementing his face, embedding it into my mind, for I knew that the time would come where I would not get to trace his face, as I did most days. I watched as his shoulders moved up and down in a steady, calming rhythm. I studied the texture of the stubble that could barely be seen, the mapping of the various contours of his face. As his deep and dark brown eyes moved, intently focussed on his work in front of him. With every blink, his eyelashes flickered, standing perfectly, lush, breathtaking. His lips shaped in a perfect arch. He bites the right side of his bottom lip, then runs his tongue over the same spot, all absentmindedly. 

I watched the muscles in his hand and wrist, as he turns the pages in the textbook in front of him. I move my line of sight, and follow his arm up to his shoulder, where his shirt fought against his body with every movement he made. I let out a breath of air as our eyes met. He studied me for a moment before looking away, to give me privacy to continue my routined exploration of his body. I was transfixed by the movements of the muscles in his neck as he moved his head. I traced the hem of his shirt with my eyes, begging to see more of the smooth skin hidden away by the fabric. I counted the buttons that trailed down his chest. 

I inspected the warn out belt around his waist. He pauses to pull his pants up slightly higher and tuck his shirt back in. I once again meet his gaze. This time, the gaze holds amusement, for I had been caught with my eyes at the wrong place, at the wrong time. We shared a smile, and I was once again left alone with my roaming eyes. I watched as his legs carry him from one end of the room to the other, the movement of his shoulders , and the muscles flexing as he walks away from me. Again, he catches my gaze. I challenge myself to not break eye contact with him. The longer our eyes lock, the quieter the rest of the world becomes. When I can see the shine of the light reflect in his eye, his right eye, that is when I am certain...

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