[ Touken Ranbu x Reader ] Like A Fleeting Flower (Mikazuki Munechika x Reader)

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Mikazuki x Reader: Like A Fleeting Flower

A tachi lay on a pedestal in front of you, it's seamless steel surface glimmering as it reflected the light from the fire crackling in the corner. You were seated on your knees, sleeves of your shrine maiden uniform rolled up, as you recited various incomprehensible incantations. The words from your mouth seemed to travel to the small paper shiki stuck onto the sword. After quite the tedious process, the shiki began to shine brightly, its light glowing in an almost blinding manner, until it completely overwhelmed the room. Once it had died down, a young man stood in the place of the tachi.

"I am Ichigo Hitofuri," he introduced himself, bowing, "I am the only tachi crafted by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu. The Toushirous are my younger brothers."

You smiled warmly at him. "They'll certainly be overjoyed to see you here! Your brothers and the others should be waiting down the corridor, so shall we go to them now?"

"I would be most grateful for that, Master," He replied courteously, and the two of you exited the smithing area. You sent the swordsmith a grateful smile, mouthing "Good work today!" before leaving.

Most of the swords were waiting for you and the new arrival outside with the exception of the expedition team who were out gathering resources. A warm feeling spread through your heart as you watched the Awataguchi brothers run up to their older brother and envelope him in a bone-crushing hug. It was yet another job well done and that made you happy.

"I know! Lets hold a welcome party for Ichii-nii!" Suggested one of the Tantous. Cheers of agreement went all around and various swords started dispersing in different ways in preparation for the party.

It made you happy to see them so enthusiastic, but you were unable to feel your share of that joy. A slight dizziness was settling in your head-- because it had been something that was bothering you for quite a few days, you figured that all you needed was some sleep. However, your legs shook unsteadily as you walked.

"Are you going to join us, Master?" Namazuo called at you.

With a remorseful smile, you shook your head. "N-no, I'm feeling kind of tired today. I'll be in my room, but enjoy yourselves!"

You could hear them murmuring amongst themselves as you walked off, but you supposed that didn't really matter. Instead, all you could think of was the impending threat of collapsing from the fatigue that was hammering down on you from an invisible angle. When you thankfully reached your room, you were surprised to see Mikazuki Munechika rummaging through your bookcase.

"Pardon the intrusion, Master," he said with a sheepish chuckle, "I misplaced a certain book of mine somewhere and I thought it'd be here for sure. This old man can't remember that well, but..."

He was immediately cut off by the violent 'thump' of a human staggering down and collapsing onto the tatami floor. That person was you, and to make things worse, you were coughing and choking so badly that it made you go on all fours, trying to suppress the wracking coughs that stabbed your lungs and burned your throat.

"Master!" Mikazuki said in alarm, rushing towards you. You were unable to respond, instead doubling over and clutching your stomach as you endured through a coughing fit.

It was so severe that crimson liquid soon decorated the white cloth of your clothes.

"Don't..." you called weakly as he made to get someone (probably Yagen), "...my only request is that you stay here, if that is alright...with you."

Your scarlet-splattered hands trembled feebly as you attempted to wipe the blood from your mouth. Mikazuki hurried to your side, grabbed a nearby piece of cloth from atop your desk and gently dabbed it around the blood. Pressing it against your hands, he then proceeded to look into your eyes. Your dully shining pupils met his unique crescent patterned ones. They were as gentle and soft as usual, but something just seemed a little different.

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