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Seventh period calculus, by now the word of what happened at lunch spread around the school pretty quickly. Everyone knew her name, the story was twisted to the point where the whole thing was nothing but lies.

Jason and Tim had the same class with her, she sat in the middle between the boys. "First day of school and you're the most popular topic." Jason said to her. "Wouldn't have expected less from you Cover Girl."

"Oh please it was bound to happen with or without the help of Michelle." Y/n replied smugly then they laughed. "Can you believe it? The whole school is terrified of this big boned brainless coward I mean why won't anyone speak out?" She continued.

"Everyone is scared of her. Not for her muscles but who she is. One word and their out of the school for good. Did she hurt you?" Tim asked.

"That isn't right..and no she didn't I'm fine."

"Well that's just the way things are. We've tried to help everyone stand up to her but what's the point? You can't help the people who can't help themselves Y/n." Jason spoke up and with that class had started.

Back home in their rooms doing homework Y/n changed out of her school uniform and started on her Chemistry, English and Psychology homework. Before long she could here the clanking of pots and pans in the kitchen an hour or so later she decided to take a break.

In the kitchen Dick sat eating an apple while reading a textbook. Y/n grabbed another fruit and sat next to him at the counter. "I heard about today are you alright?" He asked placing his finger in the middle of a paragraph so he wouldn't lose his place.

"It wouldn't be so bad if the whole school wasn't controlled by spineless dictator." She sighed peeling off another slice of her orange.

"I see you met Michelle, yeah it's a real tragedy what she's done to the school you know it was never like this."

"Something has to change."

Dick chuckled, "don't bother we've tried everything though she knows not to mess with us."

"Hmm." She finishing her orange  and headed back upstairs. Y/n sat back at her desk in her bedroom, not focusing on her homework. She couldn't get over the fact that the students of Gotham Academy were silenced by fear from this girl. It wasn't right, Y/n has never been to a real school before but she's seen a lot of school movies where one average student changes the whole by sheer dedication and will power alone. Honestly how hard could that be to accomplish?

A buzzing sound came from her phone, it was a text from her parents. We'll be home tomorrow night. Make sure to pack everything.

After she read the text she got up from her desk and pulled out her suitcase from the closet and set in on the floor. "Leaving so soon?" Asked someone behind her, it was Dick standing in her doorframe with his books cradled in his arms."Mind if we study together?"

"Yeah my parents just texted me but sure come in." She said as they brought down all their supplies onto her bedroom floor. For sometime the two didn't say anything which Y/n didn't mind. She's thankful that Dick knew how much she valued silence and was willing to give it to her unlike other kids who didn't know when to shut up like most people she knew, Y/n sighed and twisted her pencil in between her fingers as she read the paragraph over and over every time the text seemed to get even more confusing.

"Need help?" Dick spoke up noticing her distress.

She shook her head, "I got it."

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