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The next morning Y/n got little to no sleep last night, actually she barely slept. She thought in the morning the images from last night would scare her less but they didn't. The image of that women's body thrashing and her laughing was burned into her memories forever. She shakily climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

She saw her image in the mirror and nearly jump out of her skin, she looked like a zombie her eyes were bloodshot with heavy bags under them, dry tears on her cheeks and her skin had a sickly color to it. She washed her face and did the best she could before heading down for breakfast.

She sat in front of her breakfast without saying a word,"Jesus Y/n are you alright? You look terrible." Her father placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped up from the table stepping away from her father surprising her parents.

"I-I'm fine...I-I'm sorry....I have to go." She swallowed and gathered her textbooks stuffing them in her book bag and running out the door before anyone could protest. She couldn't look at her father without feeling disgusted or ashamed of him and what he did to that poor woman and who knew how many others. How could he threw her away as if she meant nothing, and was nothing but a test subject. No that wasn't her father, she wouldn't believe it, the thought was to sickening.

She met up with Dick hanging in front of the school at their usual place, no one spoke up at first cause they didn't know what to say.

"You look hideous." Damian pointed out clearly not sparring her feelings. Stephanie, Tim and Jason nodded in agreement.

"Not now." She said.

"What happened to you?" Her closets friend asked with concern.

"I was studying and lost track of time." She answered. She could tell no one believed her but didn't say anything. Before the bell for first period rang Y/n headed to the bathroom to try and make herself look a little better than what she felt. You did this to yourself Y/n you have no one else to blame but yourself. Shut up me. She huffed and skipped art club and headed to the library before the bell rung.

She sat in her usual place waiting for C/n for some odd reason, maybe she really did like them? No, she just enjoyed their company and right now she needed to take her mind off of last night, she was in the mood for a few corny jokes. C/n look their seat this time closer to her than yesterday, "good morning sunshi-woah you okay there?"

"I look that bad?" She sighed trying to fix herself. They placed a hand over hers stopping her.

"You look sick. But it's cute." She narrowed her eyes at them.

"Touching. Oh crap."


"I had homework I totally forgot to do." She whined.

"Hm that's not like you. Now I'm really worried."

"Don't be, I'll just do it really quick right now." She said taking out her homework from last night. Before long her stomach began to do that whale of a noise whenever you got hungry making everyone turn to you. She rushed out so fast this morning she didn't even eat. C/n peaked up from their work and looked at Y/n.

"Hungry?" She simply nodded while bitting her bottom lip. "Alright. I'll be back." They told her and got up from the table. She sat there trying to push down memories and focus on her work. She suddenly felt sick without eating anything. Her legs shook uncontrollably and her anxiety was high, this was way more than what she anticipated and needed help. Fast. She was so stressed her arms were breaking out in a rash.

"Back." They came back with a granola bar and some orange juice.

"Thank you." Said Y/n gratefully taking the food out their hands and hungrily ate then went back to work. She could feel their eyes watch as she ate but she didn't care if she looked like a animal.

Silent protector Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora