- two -

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The way she moved her body was amazing.
Every turn, every jump, every move
It had me astonished.

The roaring sound of applause echoed as she finished her performance.
I sat there and didn't clap.
It wasn't because she wasn't good;
God, she was definitely good.
So good that I was still in awe.

I snapped back to reality when our dance instructor began to speak.

"Okay guys, this week I want you to choose a partner and choreograph a dance on any topic you'd like."

I turned to my friends in hopes that either of them would work with me, but Jimin & Jungkook had already chosen each other.

"Why don't you work with Haneul-noona, hyung ?" Jungkook suggested.

"Why would she want to work with me ? ..." I answered doubtfully. 
No way she would after I embarrassed myself in front of her the other day.

"Because you're the best dancer in our dance team, hyung !!" Jimin added.

"Thanks Jimin, but I don't know .."

"Just go, hyung !! She doesn't look like she has a partner yet ! Go !!" They said, pushing me to Haneul.

I stumbled towards her, pushing her a little.

"I'm sorry ! I'm sorry ! I'm sorry !! My friends pushed me, are you okay ??" I said apologetically, bowing multiple times.

"Oh, it's okay ! I'm fine, don't worry." She said smiling. 
God, her smile was perfect.

"I-Uh .. I was just wondering if maybe, I mean only if you want to, you totally don't have to y'know, I–" I was a nervous wreck.

"Hobi, do you want to be my partner for the dance assignment ?" She interrupted.

"I thought you'd never ask." I said, smiling to her.

a/n :

if you've read my last story, 'dangerous love', and you want a second book continuation, please comment on the last chapter of 'dangerous love' ((titled : 'book two ???')) !! I want to make sure enough people are interested before I start writing !! thx !!! 

~ jazunyan

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