- three -

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We were alone in the dance studio and I felt as if I was going to faint;
not because of dancing for hours,
but because she is so beautiful.

I was still nervous around her,
but it wasn't as intense as before since I was dancing.
I tried letting dance distract me from her beauty.

"Hobi-ah," I love it when she says my name. "Can you help me with the next move ? I can't seem to get it." She said, frowning. 
'Such a beautiful girl shouldn't be frowning' I thought.

I nodded and began going over the move again, step-by-step.
She tried to repeat what I had shown her, but grunted in frustration as she made a mistake. 
Not gonna lie, that grunt was hot.
"Hobiiii, I still can't get it .." She pouted. Everything she did was so cute.

Something came over me.
I had no idea what,
but my anxiousness went away
and was replaced by confidence.

I stood behind her and held her by the waist.
I don't know how I didn't faint, or scream just by doing that.

"Here, I'll guide you." I said, lifting her arms. 
I helped her maneuver her body to the music,

counting slowly in her ear.

"One, and two, and three, and four .."

To teach her the footwork, I was still behind her.

I stepped to the side of her right leg with mine,

causing my lower half to press against hers.

I still don't know how I didn't faint.

I looked at her through the mirror,

and she looked back at me.

"You got it ?"

"I think so .."

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