8 2 0

i walk over to him.

"She is still out cold from Surgery!"i Say

Third person's P.O.V (If you know or think you know,leave a Comment on it)

I Nearly killed the bitch slut.

i put my hood up and walk and then vanish in thin air

i appear in her room,i see her peacefully Sleeping

i vanish as a Doctor Walks in

I Smirk and the heart monitor goes crazy.

The doctors start coming in and trying to fix the heart monitor.

i Vanish

"Till Then my Beautiful,Granddaughter"I Say.

Liliana P.O.V

I Wake up and i feel drowsy 

i See My Brothers and my dad.

i See someone in the window and i stare at it and then i hear it

"Till Then my Beautiful,Granddaughter"The Voice Says and i look at my Dad

"Dad,Do i have any grandparents from your side or moms side?"i ask 

Dad shakes his head

"No,Why?"Dad Asks

"Just Asking"i say and i look at the Window

A Week Later

i get up from bed and start packing my stuff and i look out my hospital room window.

i stuff everything in the bag except my phone 

i throw the strap over my head and it rests on my neck.

i walk out of my room and see a Man on his Phone.

i sniff the air,my Badger says 'He is a Rogue'

i Walk to the Front desk and sign the papers and i notice the guy is staring at me 

i walk away acting as if i never saw him.

i feel Arms grab me 

i turn and see a Woman

"Who are you?"i Say

"Baby Girl i am your mom"She says

"what was i named?,When is my birthday?"I Say

"Liliana Lilith Henderson,Birthday October 21"She says

"M-mommy"i Say and she pulls me to her Chest and i hug her

She twinkles her hands and i look behind me and see Wings

i start going up in the air but mom pulls me down and outside 

i fly up and back and forward and i get dizzy

Mom grabs my arm

"Liliana,What are you doing up there?"Dad Says and i look down and see my brothers and father

Mom Lands and i Fly into a Tree and land on the ground

"Really!"i Shout at her and she laughs

"Luria!"Dad Says

"Mitch,How are you!"Mom Says

"Luria,i thought you died!"Dad says

"i had to fake my death,people are after our little girl Mitch"Mom Says and i am corner by unfamiliar guys

i gulp

Suddenly he goes to touch me and he Smirks and i grab his Hand and put it behind his Back and he Spots something but continues and he Tackles me and touches my cheek

i Slap him Silly 

i Push him off and i punch him,i knock him out

i See a Guy launching himself at me and i Twirl and i front flip and continue and i See the guy Running at me

i Front Flip and Kick him in the face after Punching him

i Flip my hair out of my Face and i triple flip and Hit Everyone of the guys coming at me

"That all you got"i Say and i see Freddy and he walks over to me 

"Fight me"Freddy Says

"i wont fight you"i Said

"Oh but you will"Freddy Says and i feel my wings come out and i frown 

He opens his wings and i see mom,Dad,My brothers looking at me shocked


If you think it was her mother that talked,you are wrong!
Next Surprise is in the next Chapter.
Did Freddy Turn Bad or is he still good?
Find Out Tomorrow January- 01 -31!!!!!

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