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i see my suitcase and bag appear and i walk over to it and grab them 

i was already shown my room but my roommate was not there.

oh well.

i walk into the Room and See my Roommate talking to a Girl

"Are you my roommate?"The Girl Says

i nod

she Smiles

"i am Kayla"Kayla Says

"I Am Liliana"I Say and i smile

"you can put your stuff in your closet"Kayla Says pointing a door and i open it and i put my suitcase and bag in the closet

i sit on my bed on my side and i grab my Tablet 

i see a Bunch of Texts and Emails.

And i lay on my bed as i see one from Freddy.

i Sigh

"Do you have a Mate?"My Roommate and her Friend Asks and i look away and i hang my head

"He cheated on me and he only texted me once,i attacked his pregnant slut it wasn't my fault,my Vampire was mad and sad,i had no Control!"i Say and they look at me

"We did the same thing to our mates"They Say Laughing

i Laugh,Maybe i will fit in here.

At Classes...

"Next,Ah Liliana,A New Transfer,Think of Something that makes you mad,something someone did or said that made you Mad,then try to Control it,Build a Wall around the Anger"The Teacher Says and i think and find it

"Let it take control then try to control and build a wall around the Anger"The Teacher Says and i see my Roommate Ashley and her Best friend Angina 

I Breathe and then when the Anger took control i started Glowing and everyone backed away

The Teacher's eyes Widen along with Everyone else's and i see The King walk in as i started Glowing and his Eyes Widen

i See a Flashback.


"Baby Girl,Come here,Its Okay,Come here,it will be okay!"A Woman said to Three year old me.

i Toddle over and she Picks me up as the Palace turns into Flames and she opens her wings with The Kings 

She drops me off at the Pack House

and they leave and i start Crying

The door opens

i see Luria and Mitch standing there looking at me and i look up in the air and don't see my parents

"Where are your parents,Little Girl?"Mitch Asks me and i flinch in fear 

i see two older boys and i back away

Flashback Over...

Everything starts turning dizzy and i black out

A Week Later

i wake up in the hospital and my eyes are kinda droopy.

i see Freddy and the Pregnant slut standing in the corner and i see my parent-i mean Luria and Mitch.

"i know,i know i am not your child!"i Say and Carson looks at me

Tyler looks at me gasping as Luria and Mitch look at me

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