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Going to Brazil was still my top priority, but getting the team ready and everyone agreeing on a plan took way to much time. I won't deny that I got less and less sleep and food but became more alert as the days wore on. The dark bags under my eyes and bones sticking out became more prominent too - worrying Scarlett and Char very much. Talking to Char helped but she though I should go see a therapist, no thanks honey I can deal with my problems on my own.

Walking to the kitchen to pretend to eat something so Char would get off my back I see Steve and Tony talking quietly about something I can't quite hear - even with enhanced hearing.

"Hey Jaimie, good to see your eating something you needed time away from the planning room" Steve says with a smile.

"Yeah I mean, I'm not technically away from the planning room I'm just getting an apple to take back there and eat while formulating a new and better plan" I say, talking a little faster at the end getting more excited about a new plan and having my sister back. I wonder what they have already done to her but knowing that my sister is strong and stubborn as a bull they couldn't have done much if we find her soon.

"We're gonna have to continue this 'fun' conversation later Capsicle,  I got a date with Scarlett in my lab and I'm gonna rock her world" Tony says with a slight smirk. Hearing the tail end of that statement I nearly spit out all of the water in my glass back out coughing for a couple minutes before turning and giving Tony my meanest most confused look ever, resulting in me looking like an angry puppy.

"What the hell are you talking about Stark" I say with a set jaw.

"Hehe whhattt, I have no idea what your talking about, Scarlett has a date as in the fruit in the lab and I was going to rock her world as in taking the 3D model of a planet she made and rock it back and forth to simulate an earthquake and how well the speicese living there would adopt" he says. What Jaimie didn't know was that he was lying through his teeth at the mention of Scarlett, she didn't even give him second glance who was he kidding - she was way out of his league.

"Eh no more weird and completely boring science stuff just go away and if you ever touch her with out her consent I'll rip your spine out through your mouth" I say with the most sincere smile ever. Tony visible gulps and runs away towards the lab without saying anything, smart. I grab and apple and look at Steve who has his eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly agape. I wink at him before heading towards the designated planning room and sitting down in one of the comfy chairs. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a couple minutes of shut eye I think as I set my hands down in front of me and lay my head on them. Just five minutes I say to myself before succumbing to darkness.

** Lizzie's POV **

When I wake up I can't see anything but the small crack in the outline of the door. What happened? I think to myself as I try to move my body to see if any things broken. Concluding that I only have a few bad bruises and a bad welt on my head I get up and run my hand along the damp wall feeling for anything that could be my way out. After hours of searching and scratching I found nothing but a small cot with a hard mattress, a small table and a gross toilet that doesn't even look like it works anymore, these people are pigs. I wonder who these 'people' even are but as if an answer to my question the door slams open and 10 people in giant black coats with huge guns come stomping in and there apparent leader coming in after them.

"Ah good your awake, I didn't think you would awake after you took that hit to your head. Although I must say I'm very happy your awake so we can get started" the rat looking man says with a twisted smile.

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