Chapter 5

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Danielle's eyes rolled around in her head. She opened her eyes for a moment but her eye lids were heavy. Faintly she could hear her name being whispered around her.

"Hey, Dan wake up."

A soft hand laid on her arm. She could feel something moving her slightly. She opened her eyes slowly and rolled onto her side. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw a blonde woman kneeled down beside her bed.

Danielle jolted up slightly throwing a hand behind her to check to see if Adam still lay next to her. The usual spot where Adam laid was empty. She let out a sigh and relaxed for a moment. "What are you doing here?" Then panic set in back in. "Is everything ok?! I got a call that said--" She threw back the blankets and sat herself all the way up.

"Don't." Kate reached out and laid a hand on a frantic Danielle "I'm ok, I just needed to see you." She adjusted herself and scooted up closer.

Danielle squinted her eyes and studied the beauty's movements. Something was different. She was calmer than usual, peaceful even. The room was dark aside from a little moon light that peaked in from the window. Danielle noticed an illuminating light coming from Kate's skin.

"Kate, what is going on?" The red head tried to keep calm but she couldn't.

"shh, I'm fine." Kate said putting a finger to her smile.

Something about Kate's smile and energy immediately calmed the anxious red head. She laid back onto the bed and turned onto her side. Her face laid directly in front of the blonde.

Kate laid her hand on Danielle's forearm.

"You looked so beautiful sleeping. I debated whether or not to wake you." Her smile brightened up the room even more. "Were you dreaming about me?"

Danielle nodded while diverting her eyes. They both smiled.

Kate leaned in closer, and caressed Danielle's face. "I love you, you know that?"

"I do."

"What if that was the last time that I could ever tell you?" The blonde's smile disappeared for a moment. She moved her eyes down to Danielle's feet and worked them back up to her face.

"Knowing you, it's not." Danielle said sarcastically.

"But what if?"

"Do you want it to be the last time?" Danielle dropped her smile and scrunched up her face.

The two women were quiet for a moment. They stared into each other's eyes. Danielle wondered what thoughts were going on in the beauty's head.

Kate broke the silence. "I have to go."

"What do you mean?" Danielle's face filled with concern and confusion.

"I just wanted to apologize for putting you in an impossible situation" Kate stood up, "I'm so sorry for that."

Kate began to back away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Danielle grabbed Kate's arm and pulled her back towards her. Deep in her soul she could feel that this moment were a final one. Fear stood the hair up on her arms. Kate was calm and looked at the red head with love and concern in her eyes. She let the red head hold onto her for a moment.

"I have to leave now... I want you to go back to dreaming about me." Kate's angelic smile reappeared on her face. She bent down slightly and caressed the right side of Danielle's face. "I love you."

Danielle dropped her hands from Kate's arms almost uncontrollably. Kate took a step back while still staring into her love's eyes. Then almost at the same time that Danielle blinked, Kate had turned around and began to walk away. The weight of the moment gave Danielle a familiar feeling. She couldn't place when and where she'd felt it but it was nostalgic.

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