Chapter 1: Escape

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Pride - Chapter 1

Since ancient times, there were creatures, who were drinking humans' blood. 

People didn't knew who were they.

Once the fortune teller said that through the years, four girls will be borned, half-vampire, half-human. 

So, the people in the cities, villages were killing all the female kids that were borned. 

1000 years later 

4 clans united and for real four girls were born in each clan. Like other children, their parents made them to kill people and whenever they were travelling or walking or doing something simple, olders were reminding them about being murderers.

One day, when girls were walking through the forest and there was a park near the forest, full of people. When girls addmixed in the crowd, they felt they had something in common with ordinary humans and said together, that they didn't want to be murderers, they didn't want to kill people. 

When they arrived home, girls made up their mind and next day went to the room of parents, were could enter only the olders and said:

-We don't want to be like you! - The older girl stepped forward. 

-Yes, all of us, all the four! We won't kill anyone anymore! - The three agreed with her.

-What are you saying Haruna? You were born to be like this! - Shouted the old man, that was sitting in the centre of the room.

-It's decided dad! - Said Haruna and girls left. 

When they said they didn't want to kill anyone, of course they became angry and after that, each head of each clan sent spies to follow girls. 

At the same night, these four decided to ran from the community. They packed some food, water and some clothes and threw some pillows in their beds, because parents could notice that they're gone.

Half an hour have passed. Parents entered girls' rooms and after 5 mins all of them ran out of the rooms of each girl and shouted at the same time:

-They're gone! 

Tall, old man with rough voice screamed:

-Quickly, collect 100 spies from each clan and send them after these four!

Other three men ran to their clans too and warned everyone about this command..

400 spies were sent to follow these four.

Girls ran to the forest. It was dark, huge place. So if anyone would enter, it won't come back anymore.  These four knew it, but anyway, they didn't have choice.

That night, they made tents in the centre of the forest. It was very dark and cold. Girls were hugging each other to not to get frozen. Time was passing very slow. 

Girls fell asleep and that time, suddenly one of them heared something, she woke up others:

-What's happening Rina?

-I heared something strange, we gotta get out of here! - She answered and everyone left the tents and ran in the deep of the forest. 

Suddenly some black people jumped out from the trees and attacked girls. 

They killed as big quantity as they could and than ran deeper and deeper in the black space.

3 years, those spies were searching for the escapers, but couldn't find them. 

It came out, that girls were living in the big city Osaka and seemed like they ran out from that coursed forest. 

They were living like real humans, studying, living quitely.

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