Chapter 2:Revenge

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PRIDE - Chapter 2

Girls started to fight with each other and the results of that fight was - They wasn't talking to each other..

In the school everyone was very surprised, best friends weren't talking to each other...

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The long time has passed since the girls didn't talk to each other, but one day, somehow they decided to talk to each other at last. Rina and Tomomi wanted to apologize them, because it came out like they were in love with humans too. 

-We didn't want to fight with you... because i knew, personally, that none of you would endurance the tempt and would fall in love with human... - said Mami quietly, because she understood that fight wouldn't make their situation become better. -So, i want to apologize.. Maybe this will make our "fight" become weaker..-she bowed deeply.  Haruna did the same.. Rina couldn't help herself and hugged both of them. Tomo at this time was staring at them with an angelic smile. 

-Actually..I love someone too..-suddenly whispered Rina and blushed.

-See.. That's what i was thinking about..I won't ask where you met him... -smiled Mami. -Peace?

-Peace! - Each of them shouted at the same time.

After this conversation, girls continued to talk with each other normally.. and somehow whole school was happy for them. 


Tomomi was running downstairs to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, took out some cookies, sat down on the chair, opened huge mouth like a little monster and  was going to put a cookie inside, when she heard someone's talking from the living room. She came close to it's door and touched it with her ear:

"We gotta rid of them sooner.. Father won't wait for us longer... And we have to end this job very soon"

When humans inside the living room finished talking, Tomo opened door and stepped inside and acted like she didn't hear a word. There were Mami's and Haruna's boyfriends.. When they saw Tomomi acting so natural, they thought that she didn't know about their conversation.  So, the boys stood up and left the room. When Timo saw it, she quickly ran upstairs and broke the door of Mami's room. Rina and Haruna were there too:

-Guys.. i need to tell something serious! - she exclaimed and jumped on the bed near Haruna. 

-What is it? - asked Mami and stared at Tomomi.

-Your...and your boyfriends..- she pointed at Mami and Haruna. - Want to rid of you both! 

-WHAT?! - Haruna shouted and stood up. -I don't believe it!

-After those words.. after so many apologizes you are doing the same?! - Mami stood next to Haruna and stared at Tomomi.

Tomomi looked down on her hands and suddenly grabbed Mami's arm:

-Come with me.. both of you! - she exclaimed and ran downstairs.

-Where are you going?! 

-Just follow me! - Tomomi opened the door of the living room and stopped.

Timo drew circle with her right hand in the air and suddenly, those two boys appeared in front of them:

-What are you doing? - Rina jumped out and looked at Tomomi.

-Just watch.. -she whispered and stared at boys. 

PAST(some minutes ago)

-We gotta rid of them sooner.. Father won't wait for us longer... And we have to end this job very soon...

-Yes.. but how? 

-We have to separate them.. I'll take Haruna in the woods near the national park. Ichiru stay with Mami here.  Masato will take Tomomi in his place too and Ryu will take Rina in his secret "house" or what does he call it! Got it?" - said Takahiro to Ichiru and that time Tomomi entered the room. Boys left her.


-See? I wasn't lying! - exclaimed Tomomi.

-Sorry Timo.. - said Mami and hugged her. 

-Nah.. never mind.. but now we have to be very careful..

-By the way, who is Masato?  - asked Haruna evily.

-Well.. that's the guy from my music club..

Girls decided to continue the normal relationtips with boys, but there was one thing that boys didn't know. All the four were spying after them to catch in the dangerous moment and arrest them.

One day, for real.. in the evening, boys took Rina, Tomomi and Haruna on the places that they arranged to take them. Mami of course stayed at home with Ichiru.

When Rina and Ryu seperated with the other two couples, Ryu took her to his secret place that was near the wood, where Takahiro was going to walk with Haruna and talked:

-My brothers are going to kill your friends.. -he said nervously..

-I know, but why? - exclaimed Rina.

-You know?! Ah.. it doesn't matter.. Our father sent us to you to kill you, because you are the heiresses of the throne! But i'm not like them.. I'm not going to kill them, because i truly.. really love you! 

Other three boys were talking to girls with the same phrases like:

"I have a surprise for you..!!" and girls were acting like they were surprised and amazed with their words.  

Suddenly, when boys were going to take out the knifes and were going to attack them, Haruna striked the fire circle around her, Tomomi called forth the earthquick and Mami made a huge tornado and suddenly all of these powers appeared around the guys.

Girls at that time, when their "boyfriends" were trying to come out of those elements, caught them and transfered them to vampire consuls.

Consuls were going to take Ryu too. They needed him to tell everything about his brothers and father. About the story from the start to the end. Rina didn't want him to go alone, so she demanded to follow him.

-Are you going there alone?! - exclaimed Tomomi.

-Yes.. I won't leave him with those murderers... -she whispered.

-Then i'm coming with you! - suddenly said Mami with brave and confident voice.

-We too! - exclaimed Tomomi and those three stared at Rina.

-Haha.. okay.. Thank you guys.. - she mumbled and each of them followed consuls.

Consuls arrested the boys with their father, but Ryu was left outside with Rina:

-I'm so glad you're with me.. -mumbled Rina and hugged him.

-Me too...

Suddenly, one of the consuls stopped their conversation and said:

-From now on.. you all can live in the humans' world!

-Really? -girls exclaimed at the same time.

-Yes you can! - smiled an old man.

Girls and Ryu ran out in the woods. They already knew how to get out of that damned wood in 30 minutes, so they went on their way...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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