Momoi × Fem!Strong!Reader (2/2)

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When i opened my eyes,i was at a small basement and i saw Momoi is tied up and laying infront of me while i was tied at a chair.

"Well well arent you the girl from yesterday?"

A guy who seems like the leader from the grup of gang yesterday come approach me.

I stared silent, trying to read his movement.

"You beat my allies yesterday and now you gotta pay"

He didnt smacked you or anything but comes to Momoi. He kicked Momoi until she woke up. Im very very mad but keep my calm.

She panicked and look me with sad face and turn her gaze away.

"This girl who made you beat my allies right?"

He grab a handfull of Momoi's hair and i swear if i already break free, im going to break his hand until it really plugged off.

I cut the rope who ties my hand with my bare finger, because i am strong as hell and freeing my hand. But i still pretend that im still tied up.

"You know... how about enjoying a show here? You guys are bestfriend... right?"

Hearing the word 'bestfriend' somehow makes Momoi gaze weaker .The man start to cut the top of Momoi's clothes with cutter and showed the rim of Momoi's bra. Momoi just stiid there nit even struggling because she is already weakened I couldnt take my anger back and finally speak.

"Keep your filthy hand out of her, you bastard"

I stood up, while he shocked at my sudden action. I walk calmly but my eyes show me how am i a monster.
He is hypnotized by my blazing E/C eyes. I take his cutter calmly and broke it into pieces with my hand (because im strong as hell) and begin to threatened him. He shudder and fall back while apologizing and bowing to me.

"And she is not my bestfriend"

I sent him a death glare while Momoi stare shocked at me, her eyes finally lit up. I kicked his head down until it smacked the floor. All i did to him was like my thought, i stomped at one of his hand who touch Momoi and hearing a small crack while i keep on stomping. The guy whined and pleasing to stop. Until Momoi begin to spoke

"S-Stop it F/N-senpai!"

I stopped and kneeling infront Momoi, cuts the rope and help her. I removed my jacket and put it on Momoi. I hug her and pat her back.

"Im sorry Satsuki, i was late..."

"I-its ok F/N-senpai... but what do you mean that i was not your bestfriend"

I widen my eyes totally leaving something, and dragged her outside. until i can finally found my bag. I opened it and finally found what i search.

I turned around to face Momoi, and give her the flower. Momoi's face become red all of a sudden.

" you TOO!"

I shouted at the last word, making her drop her tears.

"S-s-satsuki?? Sorry sorry sorry!"

I bow embarassed and scared what might happen until a pair of arm hug me.

"Im soo happy F/N-senpai!"

I smiled and hugged back.

"But what about Dai-chan? earlier i saw Dai-chan confess to you, and you guys start to exchange phone number..."

I blinked and laughed.

"Youre misunderstood Satsuki, Aomine actually tells me that you had a long crush on me, and we exchange phone because we need to exchange some photo not phone number"

We just smiled and hugged there for a while.

Extended ending :

"But what photo F/N-senpai?"

"Uuh, your photo?"

"Then what Dai-chan gets? Is it Mai-chan?"

"Uuh... its Kise"

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