Just my luck

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"Hey Guys 

I am wanna thank you for reading and voting.

1k reads...Thats alot for such a story.

I don't know but Thank you and I hope I aint boring you.


So today we were having a fun raiser and often it was a car wash. It was a school thing but everybody made it a cheerleading thing. Every girl in school was dressed as if they were playing to get laid later. And the cheer team was as slutty as ever. Well I am accused of looking like one everyday so I kept it simple.
With the music popping, chatter and the sound of water splashing, the smell of soap and flower scented cars was the order of the day. Everybody from freshmans to seniors were here working their butts off. Washing as much cars as possible. The sun was hot but nobody cared about that. We had a free day, we were playing in water and we are having an after water party, so who cared.

With my body pressed against the hood of the car as I tried to reach the windscreen to wipe the water off. Being short is cute and all but its not all that. "Need some help" I flinched abit but I smiled as Mason now kissed my neck. "I have seen every guy stare at your ass all afternoon and I am jealous that I am stuck over there with my knucklehead friends" I didn't have to see him to know that he was smiling. I was really amused by Mason, he might have his own issues but he never allows that to stop him from making people he cared about happy.

His little sister got better and now she has a personal babysitter. I found out that Mason's relationship with his father has grown weak but obviously he isn't gonna tell me that. And I know I can be alittle more persistent about it but I don't wanna lose him by forcing him to tell me. I overheard David talking to his Dad about it yesterday. It's obvious that Mason and David are close, they are different people around each other. But they are so similar, its weird. He tells David everything and similar to the way I tell Briana everything, I believe Mason does to David but I hope that David hasn't told Mason anything.

"Babe, you coming over later? I could use...." I didn't allow him to finish, I turned around and hugged him. Mason hid his troubles underneath his pride.

"You don't have to ask. I'll go anywhere with you" I smiled at him and for a second or two, I saw that little boy in his eyes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't falling in love with him but I would be lying even more if I said that I didn't notice David looking at us.

"Know what I am gonna take you somewhere special tonight, I'll skip the party well that's if....." I glared at him and he smiled remembering what I said before. "Its a date then. See you" He kissed my forehead before walking back to his friends. I watched at how David's mood changed as soon as Mason approached him. It was as if his stare down with me earlier didn't happen. Like I was step sister all over again.

"Can I just say how jealous I am? You are so lucky" Briana stood beside me and stared in the direction of the boys.

I sighed.

Everything is never as it seems especially with my life. But I blame myself for this. I haven't resisted David and I am building a bond with Mason. Soon or later this is going to explode in my face and I don't know what to do about it. 

"Are you grumpy because the biggest season of football is coming around or are you just grumpy because you are a lucky ass girl?" I don't know if Briana was oblivious to the fact that I was dating Mason and fucking my step brother as a secret.

How long was I.....

"Riley" Macy called out to me as she walked over. I heard when Briana cursed under her breath but she didn't walk away. I was the one that's suppose to hate Macy, but all I do is pity her. "Going to the party later?". She is so innocent, totally in love with David and she was so close in finding out the truth yet I twisted it. 

"No, going out with Mason later" I glanced at the boys as they conversed with some girls who did the regular flirting. My throat got dry when one of the girls "mistakenly" touched Mason's arm when she was laughing at some joke. Every girl here knows that Mason and David has a reputation of cheating and breaking hearts but now I am in the middle of both them.

"So who's gonna make sure I get home?" Briana looked at me surprised. Other than the fact that she was dramatic, she was being truthful. Briana is lightheaded and she is gets hyper. So I am her "rescuer". Once she went all video vixen at a party and every boy wanted to get a piece of here but Thank God for David when he lifted her out of the lion's den before they could rip her apart.

"How about you and Macy go together?" That surprised them both and I felt the awkwardness. "I'll allow you guys to get ready at my house?" Briana was about to jump on me when Macy agreed.

"I am sure it would be just as fun" She shrugged and eyed Briana who sighed and surrendered.

"Good, now let's finish up" I spanked Briana before turning to the new car. My eyes caught the brunette who climbed out the car, she was obviously just as interested in me as my curiosity sparked. I forced a smiled and called the girls over to help me out but the girl didn't look away from me. It was as if she was analyzing me. "Anything else I can help....." My voice trailed off when I heard Mason voice and she turned to look at him. 



I looked between the two of them but nobody looked at me. Mason's expression was cold and hard. He obviously knew her but he also had some form of dislike for this girl. But she on the other hand seem quite amused by him.

"What are you doing here?" He flat out asked her. Thats when I felt him taking hold of my hand, I looked up at him but his expression didn't change and he didn't look at me.

"Heard about the car wash....." 

"Bullshit!! Dad isn't here and I don't want you here so take your car and leave" His grip got tighter and I noticed how he tensed up.

"Don't create a scene infront of your girlfriend or your friends" She was clearly use to Mason's anger or she just didn't know how badly he can get.

"You are so pathetic, Get your car cleaned and stay away from me"He stepped forward as he spoke. His voice was thunder yet he didn't shout. It was almost as if he didn't want me to hear. The girl glanced at me before she smirked at me. With that she turned on her heel and walked over to the refreshment stand. Mason released my hand and cursed under his breath, he messed his hair up abit as he was in deep thought.

"Who is she?" I was curious. She must be of some importance if she has him so flustered and he is very uneasy right now. Bubbling over in anger, he didn't look at me or even answer me. "Mason".

"A bitch".

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