What Really Matters

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But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him (with ALL your heart). Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you.
1 Samuel 12:24 NLT (I added the above in brackets)

Can you hear the sound of His heart beat today? Do you see Him in the storm? Are you riding the wave of impossibility? Do you hear His still small voice? Did you remember to share a cup of cold water in His Name? Questions...curious endless questions??? What really matters to you?

Where can we find Him...is He real...is He wrapped up for you in a multicolored gift wrapper? Sometimes we cannot feel Him, so we think that He's not around. Most times for me He's so real I can feel His tangible presence in my sleep.
Does He change shape with every shifty circumstance? No ways... God is ever present, He is omnipresent and promises never to leave nor forsake us.

Listen to His heart beat today in every circumstance and you will hear yours. Unwrap that Gift of worship and He'll be there for you. Praise Him in the darkness and He'll shine His Light upon you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom so faithfully serve Him with all your heart. Wonder of wonders He saved even me! Have you ever considered how awesome He really is? The beauty of His majesty, King Jesus resides on the inside of you. Wonderful worshipping saints ascend into the courts of Heaven.

Once we are 'there' nothing else matters. The sea becomes glass, the clouds dissipate and lift, no need for the sun to shine, as the Son shines brighter, your burden becomes lighter. The rainbow stretches across the heavens and is a reflection of His love and promises that beam from the throne. Everything turns to gold and shimmers as His grace lights up our face.  The bright and morning Star is closer than you are!  (Rev 22:16)

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