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"Lazerous, we have something to talk about." Darius growled as he appeared in the fallen leader's office for the second time within the hour.  

Lazerous was still there as though no time had passed.  He fixed his eyes on Darius, making the Nephilim-wolf boy slightly dizzy from the spinning effect they could have on anyone who looked at them. "What did she tell you?"

"There are Nephilim among Azazel's ranks.  Some of them may be found here.  In Aerie." Darius told his leader.

Lazerous tilted his head and Darius could no longer look him in the eyes. "I don't believe that is entirely true."

"I believe it is.  There's a reason why Athalia joined him.  A reason why Genesis joined.  They're both Nephilim of fallen angels with decent ranking from their divine days.  Azazel promised them life in this world when he accomplishes the destruction of humankind.  They have been promised lives of peace.  No more running and hiding from angels like Damasen or demons and rogue Hybrids." Darius argued.

Lazerous considered this for a moment and pushed a hand through his messy hair.  "What do you propose we do then?"

"We gather all of the Nephilim and conduct mind-searches." Darius said sheepishly.  

He'd considered this idea soon after Athalia had admitted the possibility of traitors among Aerie's residents.  He knew he had to be cautious about this suggestion because there were so many Nephilim here that the true number could never be completely accurate.  They kept no record of the number because Nephilim died all the time.  Some came and left as they pleased.  They could never keep track of them all accurately.  He knew that this idea would require quite a bit of time and energy from the fallen.

"That is a good idea, but not a foolproof one, Darius."  Lazerous replied after a moment of consideration.  "You see, if there are Nephilim that are siding with Azazel, he may have put mind-blocks on them so that if anyone does catch one of his spies, they can never find out anything useful from them if anything at all."

"Is there a way to get past it?" Darius asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"There are a couple of ways to attempt to pass it.  We would need a divine angel or a powerful warlock.  If we could contact an Archangel, that would be the best way.  Mind-blocks are only tiny obstacles for them to pass.  However, contacting an Archangel is extremely difficult.  I propose that we use Lucifer's power to undo the mind-blocks we find." Lazerous replied.  "For now, you are relieved of your duty.  You may go spend time with Naomi or train.  I know you are dying to do so."  The fallen angel smiled knowingly at the Nephilim-wolf boy and dismissed him with a wave of his hand.


Athalia was dozing in her slightly slackened chains against the wall when she heard footsteps sound on the stone floor of the dungeon.  She raised her head and caught the scent of food drifting toward her.  Mashed potatoes with butter, carrots, steak...her stomach began to growl.  She ran her tongue over her dry lips. 

"Hungry are we, beautiful Athalia?" a familiar male voice purred.

"Why don't you try spending a day chained to a wall in a dungeon full of monsters, getting interrogated by five different irritable men, then tell me how you feel?" Athalia snapped.

Her gold eyes fell upon a pair of Caribbean blue ones that she recognized immediately.  She remembered the days spent twirling across mats with daggers in her hands, the hot summer sun beating down on her as she faced her beautiful adversary with black wings that shielded him from the sun and made his blue eyes brighter, working on her accuracy with him beside her, occasionally adjusting the twist to her hips with callused hands and reminding her to keep her core tight.  Then, she remembered the darker, secret moments often times in his room.  Moments stolen away during the day or snuck in during the night when everyone was asleep.  Moments tangled in sheets with quiet giggles, the feel of his soft, tan skin beneath her fingers, his shivers of pleasure when she ran those nails ever so gently down his spine or drove them deep into his skin, sometimes drawing blood.  Moments where his full, soft lips moved against hers or sucked on her neck or her chest, kissed down her stomach or her thighs....

"I would feel terrible." he interrupted her thoughts.  "I brought you food, though.  We've got to keep your strength up.  No one knows if they're done with you yet."

Athalia's arms trembled, aching to go to that tray of food in his hands and stuff it all down her throat.

He set it aside and pulled out a metal key ring from his belt.  He reached up to unlock the cuffs around Athalia's wrists.  She caught his scent as he did.  Mint, fire, a hint of cologne and sweat.  Mateo.  Oh, how she missed him.  Her eyes closed as another wave of heated memories filled her mind.  She could feel the heat rolling off of him as she always could.  

"Mateo," she whispered as her hands came free one by one.  The Nephilim girl could feel the warmth of his breaths against her face.  Two fingers traced the line of her cheek gently.  He had always been gentle with her, though she was never gentle with him.  She was a savage animal compared to him.

"Eat, Athalia.  I don't have much time." he whispered.

Athalia's golden eyes fell on the tray of food and she dropped down beside it, scooping mashed potatoes into her mouth until she could barely swallow correctly.

"I heard that you told them there were spies in their midst." Mateo said.  "Why would you do that?"

Athalia nearly choked on her food.  "Drive them crazy.  They won't get past the mind-blocks.  You're safe."

"Yes, they will, Thalia.  Lazerous is a fallen angel, remember?  He still knows things from his divine days.  He plans to get a warlock to break down any mind-blocks they come into contact with.  If he can't get one, he will find a divine brother to take them down.  An Archangel will be his last resort." Mateo hissed. "I'm in danger because of you, Thalia.  Once they find out that I'm a traitor, they will torture me until I give up all my information.  They might torture you too if they find out that you knew about me.  Then, they will kill us and tear down Azazel's empire before it is even built.  They are backed by the divine angels.  That is nearly all the power they need."

Athalia looked up from her empty tray and focused on Mateo's handsome, chiseled face.  His dark hair was neatly brushed and trimmed.  He looked like he should be a prince.  Athalia smiled.  "Don't worry, love.  They wouldn't dare hurt you, you know that.  You're the son of - "

Mateo pressed his finger to Athalia's lips.  "Don't say it out loud.  They don't know that.  Once they find that out, they will torture me even worse than I have already imagined.  They will go straight for my throat to call her down and do anything they can to me to make her remove all the mind-blocks and reveal all the traitors here at Aerie."

Athalia grinned, a plan forming in her mind.  "But, what if you can get away before they make her do that?"

Mateo shook his head.  "There's no way."  He handed her a bottle of water that he'd been holding onto and picking at nervously.

Athalia drank from the bottle greedily.  "Yes, there is." she insisted.

"Trust me, Athalia.  It won't work.  She will be powerless when they have me." Mateo sighed, looking to the window a few feet above them.  "Well...not totally, but she would do anything to save me from dying a worthless death.  Even if she finds out that I was a traitor to Aerie."

With that, Mateo snatched up Athalia's wrists and pressed her up against the dungeon wall.  He snapped the cuffs back onto her wrists and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.  Athalia deepened it for a brief moment.

"Until I see you again.  If I see you again."  Mateo whispered.  He pulled away from Athalia, yanking on her chains a little to slacken them to a more comfortable extent.  

Athalia watched him go wistfully.  If only they had more time, she could've told him her plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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