Chapter Five

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__________CHAPTER FIVE__________

I woke up thinking about the mission. Always the mission. What would be my next step? When would I get the opportunity to meet Nicolas? The what if’s, the how’s … all the questions.

But this was my job, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t do a hell of a good one.

The ten-hour time difference had got me all out of whack. I just wanted to crawl in a ball and sleep for days on end. But no. Years of training drilled into me that I needed to get up, to do something.

I hauled myself out of bed and opened up my wardrobe. What clothes did I need? Hot ... Real hot out there. I scanned through the clothes the Academy had sent over for me. Damn, that’s some nice stuff, I noticed a few designer labels mixed in there. I suppose they had to make it look like I was the spoilt little girl from New York.

I ended up picking out a pair of denim short and a plain white singlet. No need to get all dressed up. I walked out into the kitchen to find India and Clara already up and eating breakfast.

“Good morning.” I smiled sleepily, sitting down next to India.

“Morning hon.” Clara replied, looking over her shoulder and smiling back at me. She continued to dig around in the fridge until she brought out a carton of juice, “Juice?” She asked, holding up the carton.


Clara set a glass on the table and started pouring, “So what’s on the agenda today?”

“Nick told me there was a football game on in town. I might go watch.” India spoke up, putting down the book she was reading.

“What time is that?”

“Uh, around 12-ish.” India shrugged.

Clara raised her eyebrows and shot a smirk at India, “Perfect. Just enough time for you to finish off the shearing.”


“So just start at the neck and sheer towards the back in straight lines. As close to the skin as possible because the wool is cleaner and easier to sheer. No! Hold her like this, otherwise you might hurt her.”

India was attempting to teach me how to sheer a sheep. I’ve got to hand it to her, she was a good teacher because within half and hour I was sheering like a pro.

We started back off to the house another two hours later, more than a little breathless. I frowned when India turned in the opposite direction. She gave me a grin.

“Wanna go to that footy game?” She asked, leading me onto a little pathway.

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