Chapter 14.

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                 I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't focus on my case. I couldn't do anything. My world used to revolve around Zonnique and Bre. We used to be so close. Now, my world revolves around me being a  criminal. But that's never what I wanted. My idea of a perfect life was just to be happy. That's never going to happen now. I tried to gather up all my feelings and get rid of them, but I just couldn't. I'm just so heartbroken. I tried to relax and release my feelings through a cup of coffee. I've been feeling pretty down in the swamps lately, and coffee was probably the only way to wake me up. So I sat in a booth alone, drinking my coffee. I had a pair of dark black shades on my eyes so no one would recognize who I was. I didn't need any dramatic outbursts right now. I just needed to relax. I ran my finger around the rim of my coffee cup, and looked around. There was only a few people here, and they were all old. The rain fell down softly, and make a soothing noise when it hit the ground. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before slowly letting it out. "You feeling okay?" Zonnique raised her eyebrows at me, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts. Oh. I almost forgot she was here. She barley made a sound. "You've been daydreaming for the last twelve minutes." She slightly smiled, cocking her head to the side. I shot her a fake smile back. "Yeah. I was...thinking." I shrugged, looking down at the table. "Thinking?" She sorta frowned. "You're not thinking about..Bre? Are you?" She crossed her arms. After I nervously bit my lip, she got the message that I was thinking about her. "Bahja!" She slammed her hand down on the table."I don't know what you expect me to do Zonnique. This only happened a few days ago." I raised my voice a little. "Exactly! DAYS ago. Get over it B! She wasn't any support anyway! She was a backstabbing bitch!" She whisper screamed. I hated to admit it, but she was right. She was just a backstabber. She lied about everything. Absolutely, everything. "You're right Nique. But, I don't know how to get over her." I slapped my hand onto my forehead. "The only way I could think of getting over it, was relaxing. And Nique, that's not even working." I sighed. I felt my bottom lip quiver, and my eyes started watering. I tucked in both my lips, to keep from starting an emotional outburst. Zonnique came over to my side of the booth and wrapped her arm around me. "You can start by focusing on the case. It's only a week away, and I can tell you're still not ready." She sighed, rubbing my back.I nodded, taking a deep breath. I looked away, preferably out the window. What I saw, I would never forget. A white van sitting across the street in the rain. It wasn't moving, and it didn't look like anyone was in there. But it was there. Just sitting there. I saw something coming towards the window, and I didn't really mind it. Since the rain was falling sideways, it looked believable as rain. But it wasn't rain. I squinted as it came towards the window. It flew through the window, cracking it, and it fell onto the seat Zonnique was sitting in. "What the fuck?" I mumbled. "What's wrong?" Zonnique furrowed her eyebrows, looking at me strangely. "What happened?"I ignored her initial comment, and crept over to the other side of the booth. I picked up the little thing that flew through the window and examined it. "Nique, what's this?" I held it up to her face. Before we could respond, bullets started flying through the window. "DUCK!" I grabbed Zonnique by her sleeve, and pulled her down to the ground. We climbed under the table, and covered out heads. The shooting continued for about 6 minutes, finally stopped.  I looked at Nique with fear in my eyes. As we both slowly stood to our feet, I grabbed her arm gently and held onto it with fear. "What the HELL was that!?" Nique blurted. "The gang." I sighed, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "The gang? What gang? What's going on Bahja!?"  She shouted at me. I huffed. "I thought I already told you this.." I looked down. "Yeah, but I didn't think you were serious!" She shouted, flaring her nostrils. "Well I don't want it to be real! But Nique, there's nothing we can do about this." I looked away for a split second. I sat back down in the booth, trying to avoid sitting on shards of glass as Zonnique ran her fingers through her hair. I shook my leg and grabbed my purse. "Zonnique, we need to leave..b-before they come back." I sighed, standing up again. "Bah-" Before she could finish yelling at me, we both turned our heads, hearing the bell at the top of the door ring. Indicating that someone came into the diner. I heard the tiny shards of glass break as he came further into the diner....then he finally stood in front of us. He was tall. He was wearing a black ski mask, and black gloves. He had on leather combat boots, and a black pair of jeans, as well as a black t-shirt. But over top of his shirt, was a black North Face jacket. He tapped his foot against the ground and looked at us. His devilish eyes glared right through me. He took off his ski mask and smiled at us. "Zoey!?" Zonnique forced her eyes to glare at him. It was him. Zoey. Zonnique's old boyfriend. Surely you remember him. Him and Zonnique used to be so close. They used to be inseparable. But now? I can tell this is going to go downhill from here. "Hey Zonnique." He smiled, looking her up and down. "While, it sure has been a while." He let out a deep, happy sigh, forming his lips into a smirk. "Apparently not long enough." Nique scrunched up her eyebrows. "Why would you do something like this?" I blurted out, cutting into their conversation. Zonnique might want to make small talk, but I want to get right to the point. I know what he's trying to do. And I know what he's involved in. Kaleb's gang. Zoey looked at me with a grim look. "And Bahja. Bahja, Bahja, Bahja." He shook his head, making his way over to me. "I should be asking you the same know Kaleb's gang is after you, right?" He smiled, stating the obvious. "I'm aware of it." I squinted my eyes at him. "Watch your back, Bahja. We're not playing any games. What we want is justice. And that's what we're gonna get." He shot me a devilish smile, before walking away slowly. I stood there, deep in my thoughts. Zonnique was giving me confused looks, and I honestly didn't have time to answer the many questions running through her mind. I got to thinking deeply. If Zoey is involved in the gang with Kaleb, he must've been in the gang. That meant he was playing Zonnique this whole time. I looked over at her with sympathy in my eyes. I felt bad, but it's not like it matters any more. "What?" Nique furrowed her eyebrows. "Nothing." I shook my head, looking down at the floor. There were still little pieces of glass covering the floor. "Let's get out of here." I grabbed her hand, as we left the diner.

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