What Is #MuslimLivesMatter?

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#MUSLIMLIVESMATTER is a campaign to spread awareness about the true meaning of Islam and being a Muslim. We also aim to encourage people to stand against discrimination towards Muslims, and hopefully, open the general audience's eyes to see how beautiful our religion is.

Muslims have faced discrimination and hate for so long. This is due to attacks, publicized as heavy as the damages, from so-called Muslim terrorists on people from all around the world.

The truth is, none of those terrorists are Muslims - they claim to be fighting in the name of Allah, but their actions are directly opposite according to our Holy Quran. Islam does not teach people to bomb others. Islam forbids killing other people, especially women and children.

Islam is a religion of peace, and we are here to show you that.


We are counting on you to join our movement, no matter if you are a Muslim or a Christian or an atheist etc., as long as you believe MUSLIM LIVES MATTER, we will always welcome you.

Every support is another step closer towards equality.


Further explanation from one of our admins:

Recently, Muslims have been getting a lot of hate all around the world and even on Wattpad.

First off all, ISIS. ISIS are not Muslims.

Everyone's getting it all wrong. They started war for no reason, whatsoever. They are killing people in the name of Allah, when Allah forbid them to do it. Islam tells us not to kill innocent people, which ISIS are doing. Islam tells us not to deny women and children's rights, which ISIS are doing. Islam tells us not to harm believers of other religions with the Scripture, which ISIS are doing. I could go on and on.

A journalist who was kidnapped by ISIS escaped and has wrote that they are not Muslims as they do not own any Qur'ans whatsoever and they do not pray the five daily Salah.

An Islamic Scholar sent the following to ISIS,

❝You have killed many innocents who were neither combatants nor armed, just because they disagree with your opinion, the letter said, denying the Islamic State the right to call the faithful to jihad. "There is no such thing as offensive, aggressive jihad just because people have different religions or opinions.❞

On Wattpad, I have come across many people who hate the religion Islam. Who constantly bash Muslims, which brings out the bad side in us when we are meant to stay calm as Islam is a religion of peace.

We are not terrorists. Hence this account was made to show people the true meaning of Islam, to spread awareness about it.

I am not telling you to convert to Islam. I am telling you to understand our religion before bashing us because we are not terrorists.

You don't see people hating on Christians because of Hitler, do you? Why does that give you a reason to hate on Muslims?

So I hope you understand the true meaning of Islam and together, Wattpad will be a happier and healthier place for everyone.



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