Part 17: To the End

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It was a strange feeling to be a fugitive under a clear sky and bright autumn sun. Bronwyn felt that a daring escape from jail to flee the city should be made under cover of night. But night would arrive in its own time whether she was a fugitive or not.

But of course no-one else knew she was an escapee. Hardly anyone in the city even knew who she was, and the chances of her meeting someone she did know, someone who would stop her, were slim. Nevertheless Bronwyn wasted no time in making her way across the city back to her Inn.

She went straight to the stables and was greeted with a familiar snort.

"Hello, girl," she said as she stroked her horse's nose and patted the side of her strong neck. "I missed you. Sorry I've been gone so long. This is not the same city we left. I'll tell you all about it on the way, okay?"

Bronwyn saddled up, tipped the stableboy for taking such good care of Shanks, and trotted through the city to the eastern gate. As soon as they were through Bronwyn let Shanks have her head, and they raced from the city toward the dark line of the forest.

It felt good to be riding again. She had spent too long standing and waiting and talking. She knew she might grumble about days of riding but Bronwyn decided there and then that days of standing still were far worse.  

But what was she riding too? A man who lied to her about being a Mage? A Mage rebelling against the rulers of Arden? There were soldiers, and undoubtedly Mages too, on their way to capture him, maybe even kill him, if what Chester suspected was true.

"But what is true anymore, Shanks?" Bronwyn whispered to her horse as the miles disappeared beneath them. "All I know is what I've been taught. I know the villagers are wary of me but they don't think I lie to them, and they've been honest with me I suppose. Not many of them would call me a friend. So who do I believe? The Mage in the forest working in secret or the Mages in the cities ruling the land? Tell me, Shanks."

But Shanks, as ever, said nothing and raced on toward the forest.

The sun was low in the sky by now and their shadow stretched before them along the road even as the fields around them glowed in the last light of day.

With a good road and clear weather they they soon entered the forest. Twilight was upon them now and the sun relinquished its daytime crown. Mottled moonlight dominated the heavens instead and cast its patchwork shadow through the leaves.

They had made good time to the Keep but one glaring fact still worried Bronwyn. They had not passed any soldiers on the road, which meant there was no possible way she could be there first.

"And what happens then?" She whispered to her horse. "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Bronwyn looked around and recognised this part of the forest. They were getting close. "Time for a break, girl," Bronwyn whispered as she dismounted.

A welcome stream chattered past roots and stones nearby and they both drank. Then Bronwyn turned her fingers to work on the saddle and harness. "We don't want them to hear us coming, do we?" she explained as her horse looked over her shoulder at her to see what she was doing.

Bronwyn wrapped small cloths and rags around the metal harnesses to tighten and muffle them and made a dozen other adjustments to quieten their approach. With no idea what to expect Bronwyn did not intend to blunder into the middle of a fight. She was no Battlemage.

Satisfied with her work, Bronwyn mounted her horse again and got back on the road. There was hardly any sound from the harness now. Even so, she rode slowly and off the centre of the path.

Then a thought occurred to her. What is Morrigan a Mage of? If he is of the earth or the wind and as powerful as he is old, then what can I do to help. He'll be able to stop ten men all by himself. If he is of the Sea he might have something to use, maybe a water barrel. And if he is of the Flame there would be fires burning by now. Unless of course the soldiers found him before the fires were lit. Or if they took him by surprise! Or...or...the Mages they have know how to counter him? Oh Shanks, what are we going to do if there's a fight? I haven't had any lessons since before I was an apprentice. Everyone knows how to beat a Mage of the Flame. What can I do?

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