I hated to read in the library. Always have. Don't get me wrong, I love to read. Just not in a library. Well at least not until now.

I would usually go to the library to get away from my parents, who are constantly fighting. Today just like any other day was for that same reason but the only difference was, I left earlier. I walked into the library and smiled at the boy at the book checkout area and he smiled back. I have never had a proper conversation with him, all we've said to each other is "thank you" and "you're welcome". I really should talk to him.

After walking in I head to my usual corner of the library. I sit down on the "sofa" and pulled my phone out.  I, being my usual anti-social self, put my headphones in and began to play some music. I opened up Tumblr and began to scroll through it.

I had been on my phone for a good half hour and I was beginning to get bored. I was about to put my phone away, But I then noticed there was another person in front of me. I thought he was just looking for a book, so I continued to stare at my phone. I was going to wait until he left but he didn't seem like he was going to leave. I sighed quietly and looked up, only to be met with a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at mine. I jump back in shock and cover my mouth to stop myself from squealing.

The boy reaches up and pulls one of my headphones out. "Could you help me find a book please?" He asked quietly. I just stared at him for a while then slowly nodded. He smiled widely and moved back. I stood up and shoved my phone and headphones in my pocket. Crap! Now I'll have to spend 5 minutes trying to untangle them.

I sighed again and looked at the boy. He looked a little bit older than me, maybe a few years. He had shortish black hair and eyes that shone like stars. The darkness of his hair made his face look a whole lot paler than it was. Just looking at the boy made me feel more self conscious than I already was. This boy was an angel.

After having come back to reality, I said with a quiet voice. "What book are you looking for?" The boy thought for  moment. "The fault in our stars" He whispered back. I knew exactly where that was, it was just to the left of here. I lead the boy to the book and hand it to him. "Thank you" He said before walking away slowly.

My parents might not be the only reason I want to come here anymore.

So that was the first chapter! please comment and tell me what you thought of it. I love hearing your opinions on my books. It also helps me a lot as the writer to know your opinion so I know where to change things or add things. I am planning to make a schedule of when to upload books.

Anyway thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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