I managed to get to first lesson in time. As I walked in the whole class fell silent and tried not to laugh. Great, the only free space is at the front, I can already tell that this lesson is going to be great. I sit down and try not to whimper at the pain shooting through my upper body.

I love how none of the teachers care that I'm getting bullied. Throughout the entire class bits of paper were thrown at me, rubbers and even a pencil. I didn't try to fight back and the teacher never tried to help. No one in this school likes me. No one in the world likes me. Why do I exist? Why can't I just disappear?

I managed to survive 2nd lesson but then at break they (Dean, Tom and Sam) found me and hit me again. I hate them so much, why can't they leave me alone? I gave up and headed to the library to get away from it all. No one knows I go to this library, and no one ever will.

As I walked into the library a man bumped into me really hard. I fall and whimper. I sigh sadly before getting up and heading over to a small sofa in the corner of the library.
I sit quietly for a bit before noticing I was crying softly and that a man was standing in front of me. I looked up to find Phil. He silently wiped my tears and sat next to me. He gently wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
I don't know what it is about this boy but just looking at him made me feel better.
We sat for hours in each others embrace but not one of us said a word. I swear I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I opened my eyes the library was empty except me and Phil.
I looked up at Phil to see he had also fallen asleep. I smiled and let him sleep a little longer.
The young boy who worked at the library walked over to me.
"Sorry kiddo, it's time to go. Can you wake your boyfriend up and tell him please?"
I blushed hard. "O-oh yeah sure...but he's not my boyfriend" The other boy smiled. "Well he sure seems like it"
He walks off to go clean up the library.
I look up at the boy sitting next to me and poke his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Time to go" I said. Phil nods. "I'll walk you home" Phil said. I shook my head. "It's alright. I'm a strong independent young boy" I said standing up and putting my bag over my shoulder. "I'll see you around" I said as I walked off.
   As I walked home I couldn't help but blush at the thought that the librarian thought Phil was my boyfriend. Maybe one day he would be. But for now we were only friends.
   When I got home my parents were still fighting. I decided not to have dinner and go straight to bed. The shouting went on for hours before it became silent and the only noise I heard was my fathers footsteps as he walked to my room. I knew what was coming and I braced myself for it.
   My father walked in and pulled me out of my bed. He kicked me silently and punched me till I was black and blue. After a good half hour of this my father put me back on my bed on my stomach. The last thing I heard before blacking out was the sound of my fathers belt unbuckling.

I'm sorry. I will try to update more now that I have a bit of free time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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