Chapter 4: Wolf

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I gave a nod as he led me to the back of the club..
- - -
Jessica's P.O.V
A women sat upon a black cryptic throne as I stumbled upon the stairs ,I almost trip as within a few seconds the women was already there to catch me from falling on my face.

"T-thanks." I step away from the women's arms, holding my hands behind my back. I look down to blush in embarrassment.

"It's alright," The women chuckles as she looked up to Henry. He stood up tall as if he was a soldier ready to salute. She continues,"So you bring a human within my dwelling? How wonderful, are you making an offer?"

"No, not this time Kira. This girl isn't human, She's... something." Henry explained, pausing between his words. The women tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you sure she isn't? I sense it on her." She  observes me as I lifted my hands ,meaning that I don't know anything. Henry shrugs.

" I was hoping you would know by sensing her aura." Henry crosses his arms as Kira widened her eyes slightly.

"The problem is I sense no aura as if she has died already." Kira grabs my arm as she let's go quickly.

" She's cold." Kira rubbed her hands together.

"Cold?" Henry asked as Kira quickly nodded before looking towards my way.

"Have you died before?" Kira said as I thought about the question deeply. I gave a slow nod.

"I was ran over by a truck, yet I came back to life." I said before Kira observe me.

"Why don't you go party a little bit. Me and Henry has something to discuss.. privately." She arched her brow at Henry as I nodded slowly walking toward the crowd of species. I stood to the side as I watched the crowd. I bounce my head lightly to the music as I gained a feeling to dance. Why not y'know? I slowly join in as I was suddenly dancing like a wild animal. I chuckled as the beat to the music got to me. I smiled widely as I swung my hips around, the species around me looked at me  weirdly. I felt a little uncomfortable feeling in my stomach but I ignored that. I danced till my mind went lost. Until, there came one moment where pain shot through my body. I stopped quickly, groaning as my head pounded. No, no, no, not this again. I go on my knees as everyone around me back away. I felt sick, no I felt as if I'd been stabbed several times and left to die. Suddenly a sharp cold pain inflicted itself upon me. The bones in my body fell apart leaving me in agony, but it was worse they were constantly shifting. Suddenly advanced detail came into my sight, I could hear for miles. I screamed in pure fright. My face had become not mine, but a wolf's. Hair spurted all over my body, my fingernails grew into deadly weapons. My spine arched forcing me on to the ground. I let out a screech it then turned into a howl. My mind was not my own, it was that of a killing beast. I growled as some screamed in the background, some guards came forward and charged at me as my ears slightly flickered.

"Stop!" Kira stormed down the stairs, stopping the guards from getting any closer. I glanced up at her as she stared down at me. She huffs.
"She's a werewolf?" Kira let out a breathless laugh as she looked back at Henry.

"No.. No she had scales before, as if she was my own species." Henry looked at me weirdly before Kira could sniff the air for anything new.

"She smells Pure, Pure werewolf." Kira said before she could walk closer to me  and pet my fur. Henry blinks.

"Or... we might be dealing with a hybrid of shapeshifter." Kira ran her fingers through my fur lightly as chills came upon my spine. Henry looks down observingly.

"You're most likely right but those are really extremely rare.. I-I don't think it could be that?" Henry gulped.

"No worries, bring her to the elders. See what are her purposes." Kira smiled before now giving a firm touch as if she turned a switch on me. I turned back into my human form as I sit there naked, I held onto my knees to cover my body. Kira threw a coat at me as I quickly slipped my arms into the sleeves, covering my naked body with the coat.

"Thank you..." I bowed as Kira lifted her hand.

"Don't have to thank me, you have power on your hands btw," Kira said as I tilt my head. "Use it carefully." She continued. I nod hesitantly, looking up towards Henry as he nudged his head towards the exit. I walked towards him as he guided me out of the club. Kira chuckled lightly before continuing her little club.
- - -
I took a step out of the building as a flake of snow landed on the tip of my nose. The wonders of this little town surprises me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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