Part 21

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"Please tell me you're joking?" He asked me in a panic.

"I wish she was, Conor," Anne-Marie commented with a shaky voice. "Her trousers are soaked," she then added. And she was right. My light grey trousers were now a dark grey.

"Oh, fuck. Fuckity fuck. We're not ready. Oh, shit. Shitty shit!" Conor mumbled to himself. "Mum and dad aren't here yet either. Oh, shit. They're meant to be here. Crap. Um, we need to phone the midwife, Dr Michelle and my parents. Oh, god," he continued to mumble.

"Earth to Conor," Anne-Marie said, waving her hand in his face.


"Your parents were travelling late last night, you idiot. It takes eight hours on a flight, and then they'll have to get settled at their hotel. Although, I'm sure you were meant to pick them up this morning. Phone Hannah and find out?"

"You're absolutely sure they were travelling last night?" He asked her.

"Yes. Gosh, today they were meant to meet up with my parents to discuss things. That's why I was in college, going over things. Making sure that everything was set up. I'll phone Hannah in the car, let's just get to the hospital, so you can have your children. Okay?"

Conor just nodded and helped me into the car before jumping into the driver's side and hitting the gas.

Anne-Marie was straight on the phone to Hannah and Eloise to make sure that she was right with what she said to him. For which, they agreed on. She then was straight on the phone to Dr Michelle, who said she'd meet us at the main entrance with a wheelchair and news about my parents. She was their doctor after all.

As Conor raced down the roads, within a reasonable limit, my mind began thinking if this was all because of the events that's happened today. First Annabella, then my parents and now my waters breaking. What's worse though, I could be in labour for many hours.

I kept my breathing stable and in control while Conor was focused on the road. His knuckles were white with his grip on the steering wheel being so tight. Anne-Marie was rubbing my shoulders, trying to keep me calm. But, I could sense that she was worried as well.

"Have you phoned my parents?" He asked Anne-Marie.

"I'll phone them once they get to the hospital. Don't panic, Conor, we'll get things sorted out. First we just need to get Ashley to the hospital. We need to get her seen to, and get the news on our parents before we go any further. I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's the reality for Ashley and me."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just don't know whether I'm coming or going. My head is spinning with what's all happened today. First, Ashley gets held hostage by my ex-publicist. Then, my mother and father in law get into a bad car accident that doesn't look so accidental and then my wife's waters break and I'm set to become a father for the first time in my life. It's just all numbing," he explained.

"Tell me about it," I heartedly chuckled.

"Sorry, Ashley," he apologised.

"Conor, you have nothing to be sorry for. Everything today has been a massive fuck up! Annabella got you that meeting because she planned this to happen. She wanted our children for herself. But, now she's in custody and can't hurt us. The only thing worrying me is who the hell ran mum and dad off the road."

"We'll worry about that once the boys are born and the news of your parents is confirmed as safe, we'll worry about who ran then off the road. Okay?" He said, before giving my knee a squeeze.

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