Part 23

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One minute we were talking and the next thing I knew my sister had Eloise pinned up against the fireplace with a knife to her throat. I'm one for thinking that karma always comes back around and haunts you but this wasn't what I was thinking. No way was it.

With a flash, Conor and I were up out our seats trying to drag Anne-Marie away from her, because we knew who was coming. And we knew that we didn't want Anne-Marie to be going down for assault and for her to then lose her place at med school.

"Anne-Marie, please let her go," I pleaded tearfully as I tried pulling.

"This bitch is the reason that dad's in hospital and you want me to let it go?" She snarled.

"Do you honestly want to risk everything that you've worked towards? Think about your future. If you get a criminal record, then your chance of becoming a doctor is out the window because rarely anyone hires someone who has done time for assault or worse. Please let the police handle it," I pleaded, again.

"Listen to your sister, Anne-Marie. I'm not worth it. I'll be doing my time in jail for it, it's not worth ruining your future," Eloise spoke shakily. "We all know your mum has gone upstairs to phone the police and Conor and Ashley are here to keep me talking so that they arrive and arrest me. Please don't upset your mother more by getting arrested as well. We all knew I was a screw up and that I was the weak link in this partnership, you'd have been hurt at some point or another by me. I'm just sorry it was your dad I hurt when I wanted nothing more than it to be me who was lying in that bed fighting for my life," she continued as tears flowed freely.

Before long, Anne-Marie pushed off her, dropped the knife and sauntered out the living room with her head in her hands. I wanted to thank Elise for what she said but part of me was happy that Anne-Marie did what she did, even though it was the wrong thing to do. The logical side of me was depleted by the actions and situation and I felt like there was nothing I could do but wait.

In every minute that passed, my heart thumped harder in my rib cage. I was anxious for the arrival of the police because part of me was terrified that she'd tell them what my sister done. Even though I know she doesn't want to screw up my sister's future.

The silence became eerie. Breathing was the only thing that was heard. The wait was beginning to make me feel anxious. Part of me wished that the ground would open up and swallow me whole, just so I'd miss this whole confrontation. My mind was flabbergasted at what Eloise told me. And part of me wanted to believe it but the other reasonable part of me was telling me that it was a load of codswallop. I mean, how could one do that? I knew Annabella was a master manipulator, but, Eloise? It has to be complete bull. Annabella wasn't even around when Eloise had the massive addiction.

Just as we hit the hour mark, the door went with a bang, bringing us all to our feet. Conor rushed to answer it before coming back with three police officers. Eloise gave me a curt nod of her head before turning her back and letting the officers arrest her. I felt sorry for her and I felt conflicted but it was because of her that my dad was in hospital. It was through her that my dad is now fighting for his life. And she supposedly is blaming it on Annabella. Everything just seemed to go back to her.

Once all the hullabaloo was by, Conor flopped down on the couch beside me and let out a big sigh.

"Crazy, right?" He spoke.

"Yeah. Do you believe any of it?"

"Half of me does. The other part of me doesn't. If it's completely false and she did it all on her own inkling, then she's one pretty good actress. If it's real, then she's as much a victim as your dad in all this."

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