Chapter 2

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•Hayes' POV•

I was signing T-shirts and taking pictures with a ton of girls when I noticed one of them in particular. She had just walked into the restaurant from what looked like the bathroom. She was meduim height with long blonde hair and green eyes.

I glanced down at her feet hoping that she had on snowboarding boots on like me, and she did. Then I looked up at her face and I noticed she was staring at me. I smiled at her expecting her to come over and ask for me to follow her on instagram or something, but instead she just shook her head and walked away.

I was a little dissappointed because she was the only pretty girl that looked around my age that I've seen so far. And she even snowboarded like me!

I was suddenly yanked to the side by a girl who was screaming at me to sign her was a very odd request but I did it so she would shut up and stop screaming.

Then I glanced back at the pretty blonde girl who had caught my eye earlier. She was sitting with three other people who I assumed were her family. She glanced at me while I was looking at her. She noticed and her face turned red.

I decided to try and forget about her until I get a proper chance to talk to her and introduce myself. Even though she probably already knew who I was.

•Brittany's POV•

Once I found my family amid the chaos of Hayes' fans, I immediately went and sat down with them.

"What's that all about?" Asked James as he pointed in the direction of all the screaming girls.

"I have no idea.", I lied. I really wasn't in the mood to explain who Hayes was and how I knew who he was. "Lets just order. What are you guys going to get?" I asked.

"Me and your mother aren't going to get anything now. We're going to eat once we get back to the room" my dad said.

"I'm getting pasta" said James.

"Okay I'll just get a cheesburger and fries then" I said.

While I was eating, I glanced over at Hayes again. He was looking at my and I could feel my cheeks turning red. I hate it when they do that. I quickly turn my head and finish my burger.

Once James and I had finished eating, we paid our waiter and left. The crowd of girls hadn't gotten any smaller.

If anything, it had gotten even bigger.

The Day Everything Changed (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now