Chapter 1: Her Place

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She never wanted to be known by anyone. She wasn't allowed in school, yet she was very intelligent from the many books she got from the library. She didn't talk to anyone. It was just her and her empty thoughts.

No one noticed the girl throughout the years. She simply stayed on the old crinkly bed that she was forced to have, while covering herself with the thin, beige blanket they threw on her body when she was little and cold. Her room was less than half of a small kitchen and was under the stairs, similar to Harry Potter's, but just a little larger. It contained the bed and blanket mentioned earlier and a cracked mirror for her to see all of her ugly flaws.

Violet was not one of the girls that stated that they were fat or ugly for attention. In fact, Violet was immensely skinny from not being fed often at all and her faced was too covered with dirt and dust from the crumbling ceiling for her to even see how ugly or pretty she was. She didn't care about her appearance so she never looked in the mirror.

No one saw Violet's face and she only left the house at midnight or earlier in the morning where even the shine of the moon didn't show the outline of her frail body. Every night, she would unlock "the window that cannot be open" and climb out to go to 'her place'. It was an empty, lonely field with one bench that had been through troubles and troubles through the years but was still standing. Just like her.

She would sit there on the bench and read using the moon as her light, or she would write in her journal that she kept personal. No one even suspected that she was there in the morning. Being clever, she covered all her tracks from anyone who could possibly see them. No one knew she even lived. Until....
Authors Note :(
Waddup? Its your girl SuperWoman. Jk. It's ole' boring Kelly. And its a new story!! AHHHH!!! I know this chapter is short and bad but I promise they won't all be like this. I know I always say that but please give this story a try?? Okay. Welp. I'm probably going to go write more soooo....

Bye Bye! <3

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