Chapter 2: The Neighbors

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Until...... The new neighbors moved into the old house across the street. Violet knew she wasn't allowed to go watch the happy new people unload their belongings and go over to say hello. She didn't even want to, but yet she still found herself climbing out of her window and hiding behind the wall of house.

She saw a young man in his late 30's, with two large boxes stacked upon each other, walk into the open doorway of the bright blue house. Behind him appeared a young, beautiful woman who seemed to be also in her late 30's, walk in the house with a pale pink lamp and a pile of china plates. And lastly, a teenage boy hopped out of the truck with a box of something that looked like a video game console. However, unlike the parents, the boy stopped his walking and turned around slowly as if he could feel someone's eyes watching him.

Violet jumped back as fast as she could when he turned, to make sure she wasn't seen. She couldn't be caught out. No, she didn't want punished again by what they say is her father but really is the cruel man that made her like she is.

Afraid and silent.

Focused on her thoughts, Violet didn't notice the boy standing beside the house. Staring at her with his mesmerizing green eyes. No, she looked ahead listening to what would be her words but are just mere thoughts.

"Hello." The tall boy whispered lowly trying not to startle the poor girl. He was too curious of who she was when he saw her from his front yard to not walk over and say hello. Looking at her now, he was shocked of all the beauty hidden underneath the dirt covering her round face. Her thick brown hair sticking to the wall behind her.

Just everything intrigued him.

Violet jumped in shock and looked up at the boy. Froze in place, she held the stare while the boy sat down beside her. Even before he fully sat, Violet flinched and scooted away from him.

"Hey. It's alright. I just wanted to say hi. As you see we're going to be neighbors now. The least we could do is get along right?" The boy didn't even get a nod from her. Yet, it didn't stop him. "My name is Ross, by the way."

At that word, he got up and walked away. Violet didn't know what to think of the event that just happened. All she knew was that the rest of the time she was outside sitting up against the wall, her mind always wandered to the topic of Ross.


*In Moore household*

"Ross, dear, can you go get your sister. It's almost dinner time." Ross' mother asked while opening Chinese packages.

"Sure." He replied without feeling. Ever since that morning, his thoughts have flickered to the grey eyed beauty across the street. He didn't even know her name but he didn't care.

"Ryan. It's almost dinner time. Mom wants you downstairs." He told his younger sister through the oak door. She was three years younger than him, at fourteen. She was very shy and didn't talk much to anyone really. She opened the door, nodded, and walked down the stairs into what will eventually the dining room.

Through dinner, Ross kept going in and out of focus. Going from the unknown girl to his family dinner. His mother, worried about how he was feeling, sent him up to his room to lay down. The boy fell asleep that night thinking about the grey-eyed mystery girl.


Violet went in after what felt like days outside, thinking and staring at the flowing grass of the field behind her house. She slipped through the small hole and fell onto her bed causing a loud squeak. She held her breath waiting for a sign of her 'father' coming down the stairs. After not hearing anything she let the breath out and sighed in relief. If the man figured out she has been going out, he would put his worse punishment in order. She shivered in the thought of what of the old man could do.

'Hopefully,'she thought, 'I won't have to go through that.'

At midnight precisely, Violet hopped off her bed and grabbed her sacred journal and a small pencil. After climbing up and out of the window, she walked slowly and quietly to her place. There was no houses, buildings or lights near the field and that's how she adored it.

On the journey to the bench, she kept her head down and watched her feet slide against the wet grass. She never had to watch where she was going. She knew the route like the back of her hand. When she was four, she would run and sit on the bench with Michael, her imaginary friend, at the time. He would walk with her there and back and then go explore the outside world while she was stuck in her own personal prison. She would look forward to seeing Michael everyday, once she even took the risk and waited outside all day for her friend to come.

Once again stuck in her thoughts and memories, she didn't realize she wasn't going to be alone that night until she sat down and heard a gasp. She looked up to the stranger, squinting to see their face. It was Ross. The neighbor boy.

"Hi." He whispered mesmerized by her.

Violet, knowing she can't and will not talk to him, brought out her journal and wrote something.

' Why are you here, Ross?'

He was surprised she even remembered his name but he was also curious why she had to write and not just talk to him like any other normal person. "I needed air. The house was getting a bit tight with all the boxes that we haven't unpacked.... Uhm. Can you talk?" He asked nervously, playing with his long, slender fingers.

Violet shook her head. Normal children, they have school where they learn to pronounce letters and words, but she didn't have that. She has been stuck in that one room all her life. She never had the chance to learn to talk even though deep down, she wanted to learn very badly.

"Oh. Well. That's okay. You can write down what you want to say, right? That'll work." He stated cheerfully, wanting to show that he didn't care that she couldn't talk. He still wanted to get to know her.

'Why do you want to talk to me?'

"Curiousness overpowered me, I guess and you interest me." He said honestly, shrugging. He wanted to be honest and not fake like all the other people were at his old home.

'Well what do you want to know?'

She asked. She was extremely worried about what he would ask but she still wanted to be nice to him for some unknown reason.

"What's your name and age?"

'Violet Rose and 17, yours?'

"Ross Moore and I'm 17 also. It's your turn for a question."

'Why did you and your family move here?'

"My dad was offered a promotion here and uhhh I got umm bullied in school so they took me out and uhm finally said yes to come here."

For some reason, Violet felt so sad when he said he was bullied. Like she never wanted him sad about himself or sad in general.

'Oh. I'm sorry..... anyway, it's your turn.' Right when she went to turn the paper towards him she noticed that his lovely green eyes were dull with exhaustion and his eyelids were drooping lowly. She stood up and helped the boy up and over to his house where he groggily climbed through his window. After helping him, Violet walked over and climbed through her own window and tried to get sleep.

Both teenagers had dreams about their late night talk, and both woke up with smiles on their faces.


Authors note :(

I know it's crappy,I'm sorry! I tried my best, I really did! But anywho. I updated! Which is good at least,right?? Welp. thank you for reading!!!


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