Chapter 4: Forgotten (Flashback)

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Two weeks after her parents left, Elsa had been practicing with her powers in her room. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which startled Elsa.

"Yes?" She asked trying not to sound agitated as she studied the now very misshapen ice statue.

"I don't know how to break this news to you your majesty..." Elsa recognized the voice. It was Gerda, the head maid in the palace. "But..." Gerda continued outside the door. "Your parents, the royal highnesses did not show up at Corona. They died at sea..." Gerda paused feeling uncomfortable. "Their ship overturned during a terrible storm. I'm so sorry, your majesty." Elsa stood in shock. When everything sank in, she collapsed on her bed, sobbing with grief and raw emotions.  

"Jack..." She sobbed, remembering the last time she cried and how he comforted her. "Jack... Our promise..." The room began to freeze, which made Elsa cry even more because it reminded her how they were working on controlling her powers. Elsa decided she would wait for Jack. But, as time passed, she started doubting whether he was ever going to come back. As the seasons changed, he became nothing but a distant memory.

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