Parting Ways - A jolly fairwell

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Spanish Coast, March, 1718

It had been a couple years now since I first came abord the Jackdaw. It seems like only yesterday I was fighting for my female rights to be just as good as a male sailor. I remember slaving away for hours just trying to get a bit of recognition from Captin Kenway, to show him I am worthy aboard his ship, that I can be more than meets the eye. Once he could see I was different from other women and did not shy away from hard work he seemed to take a shine to me and personally taught me a thing or two about managing a ship. nd so here I am now, a good friend of his and one of the finest sailors.

That evening we sang shanties while loading our cargo onto the Jackdaw and when we came to the last verse of 'The Derby Ram' we were ready to set sail the next morning. As the twilight sky darkened, the sparks from the crackling bonfire danced in the air before vanishing into the night. The crew all gathered round the roaring flames; drinking rum and telling tales of monsterous beasts that supposedly roam the sea. Edward took my hand as we walked down the ship's platform and onto the beach to join his men. He grabbed us a drink as we listened to a young cabin boy speak of the well known Kraken.

"Then, with its gigantic tenticles it pulled the whole ship under; never to be seen again".

"You don't believe in all that do ya boy?" said Adéwalé.

"I believe 'im, for I've seen the very beast with me own eyes!" Exclaimed Blackbeard.

The conversation heated as mixed opinions were voiced with loud harsh tones. Edward rose from his seat.

"Come now don't argue. This is ment to be a celebration gathering not a court order". He disiplined, walking round the fire. "Speaking of celebrations" he turned to face his old quartermaster. "We are gathered here tonight t' congratulate my good friend Adéwalé on becoming a captain of his own vessel, the Victoire. This of course means he will be leaving us aboard the Jackdaw however, I wish him the very best for what the future may bring". A holler of agreement sounded amongst the men.
"I remember the day we broke free from our shackles and escaped the Spanish together." He clapped a hand on Adéwalé's arm then he linked with Edward's. "I knew our friendship would be longlasting". Adéwalé smiled then replied
"As did I my friend, it has been an honor to sail beside you Edward".
Edward raised his bottle.

"To riches and reputation"
"T' riches and reputation!" chanted the crew followed by a glug of rum.

In the distance a dog could be heard barking. Edward turned around and whistled.
"Thatch, come here boy!". The huge dog came bounding towards him and lunged up to his master, almost knocking him back.
"Ha har good dog" he praised, petting Thatch's head as he sat next to me.

"I never know if your talking to me or that damn dog" cursed Thatch.

Edward smiled at him.
"That's a fine animal, where'd ya get 'im from?" asked one of the gunners.

"Nassau" Edward replied after taking a swig of rum. "While we were offloading a sugar delivery some bloke was asking around if anyone wanted to buy his dog"

"I don't think the poor fella could look after 'im no more" I added stroking Thatch's scruffy fur.

"we had a think abou' it and so we thought well, why not?" said Edward smiling at me and rested a hand on mine. "I wondered how he'd cope on a ship but he's been a great laugh on board". The dog walked over to the muscley gunner, who was offering a piece of meat, and snapped it up. He ran his strong hands through Thatch's thick wiry coat
"Irish wolfhound is he?"

"Aye" Edward nodded.

"Me father used to breed 'em f'r huntin' back in Havana when I was young. Why one time we had so many, it was like walkin' round with a wolf pack".
Edward grinned, then took another sip from his bottle.There was a moments silence before Adéwalé came to speak with us.

"So where is the Jackdaw destined to go next?"

"England, I'd like to return home for a while before resuming my dasterly ways"

"And what of you young miss, will you be joining him?"

"Indeed". I was about to tell Adéwalé of our future plans when Edward asked
"Where will you go after tonight?"

"Me? I guess I'll do the same; head home, recruit more men then get back to sailing the seven seas". He drank to the bottom of his bottle and threw it on the pile of deadmen. I turned to Edward
"I'm gonna head inside; me eyeballs be drooping"

"Alright, I'll be with ya shortly" he patted my back.
I finished my rum then stood up and realised that the majority of the men had already hit the hay for the long day ahead. As I walked away I decided to wait and listened to the rest of their conversation.

"Well" said Edward standing tall
"fairwell and, do try to avoid becoming fruit for the deadly nevergreen tree" he reminded from their last plundered plan. Adéwalé chuckled then shook hands with his old captain.
"Same to you Kenway, no pirate wants to meet Jack Ketch". When the pair had turned to part ways he extinguished the fire with sand.

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