A night to remember

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Drinking at the dregs left in his bottle, Edward called for Thatch then slowly walked towards the ship. I slung my arm round his waist, he did the same, as we were about to climb the slanted boarding plank. I accidently stumbled on the raised ridges, that provide grip in wet weather, when Thatch raced past and I grasped Edwards coat to balance which he found amusing. He opened the door and we walked into darkness.

The moon light shon through the back window, painting half the room with a silvery sheen, and with only that to guide us round the furniture we were careful where to tred. I opened the side draw next to the bed to get a box of matches and lit the surrounding candles and hanging lanterns to fill the room with a warm homely light. I looked round while unfastening my hidden blade.The place was cluttered with spoils from the sea which made the cabin feel smaller than it was for it wasn't incredibly large but enough to fill with loot and still have a fairly clear path around the tables and chairs. There were two pairs of big beige, pinned back, curtains that made the cabin look as if it was divided into three sections. At the top end, closest to the door, was a medium sized circular table which had a rolled out map of the world marked with little dots and dashes to indicate where ships travel to and from each country. To the right was a square table which displayed a model of the Jackdaw, beside was a heavy looking treasure chest and behind it all was stacked wooden boxes - their contents unknown to me. On the left there was a chest of drawers that had not had its bottom doors shut proppery and ontop lay various swords and daggers. A manaquin stood next to it wearing one of Edwards alternate outfits and behind was a wardrobe that had clothes bursting out the seems as they hung outside open drawers. In the middle of the room was a fancy armchair and desk with a heap of rolled up scrolls, a few books, scattered paper,an inkwell and quill; a cup and a bottle of half drunk whiskey. At the back of the cabin was the bed, made of oak and engraved with a pretty pattern. Edward sat on the edge unbuckling his hidden blade and removing his pistols from their holsters, setting them down on the bedside table. He opened his arms wide.
"Come here lass" he beckoned. I heeded the call and sat on his knee. Edward had one hand on his lap while the other held me close to him. I could feel the rough stubble on his chin and the smell of alcohol lingered on his breath. He inhailed deeply.
"When we get back, I'm a take you dancin'"

"Dancing, me dancing? I've got two left feet; I can't dance"

"Sure you can its easy". He took my hand and led me outside. "Look, like this" Edward positioned his arms as if he was going to dance with an invisible person and sort of shuffled around deck. When he had made his way back round he grabbed my arm and we slinked about the ship together. The lit lanterns at the rear of the boat flickered in the night as a soft breeze blew and brushed through my hair. Our dancing slowed until we stood, swaying side to side; we were no longer holding hands but each others waists. Edward held onto a long string of rope with one hand.
"Hold on" he then sharply kicked the fast lift leaver

"Wait whaa..." I squeeled in surprise but the wind took my voice as we were catipulted into the air and landed ontop of the main mast ledge. We stood with our arms around eachother admiring in awe of the ocean's beauty. The ripples on the waves twinkled as the moon mirrored its reflection onto the sea's vast canvas. The sky was clear and the air was cool but not cold. Edward lightly held my hand, his bright blue eyes spoke uncertency. He then knelt before me, reached into his pocket and produced a small red box which he proceeded to open and inside; sat a delicate diamond ring. The way the crystal had been cut made it dazzle in the moonlight.
He longingly looked at me, smiling in hope. Before the words were spoken I answered with clarifying nods followed by a giant grin, squeeling with excitment.
Edward smiled ecstatically, he looked relieved that the deed had been done. He held my hand and slipped on the elegant ring with his stocky sailor fingers. I swung my arms around my new fiénce in absolute delite; he picked me up and spun a full circle on the spot. I held onto his waistcoat as the wind slightly picked up. Edward shielded me with his tall, broad physique as he stood with his back against the elements. I looked up at him noticing he was already looking down at me. Edward bear hugged me. He lowered his head over my shoulder and round the back of my neck. I brushed against his grainy stubbles before we both looked eachother in the eye and gradually touched lips. His kiss was light. We simply stood, taking in the moment to express our love for one another. I opened my eyes and we both beamed a shy smile at our first kiss together. I looked up into the night and as I scanned the sky from this spectacular stargazing spot I met with Edwards view.

"Your eyes, they shine so bright" he said softly, moving my cowslick away.

"So do yours when you've had a drink" I joked and nestled into his chest.

We did nothing but enjoy one anothers warmth for a moment.
I've never experienced such a feeling before. A fire roared inside my chest, the flames heating my body, filling my heart with love and joy.

Parting waysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon