Cold as cole

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" What was that!?!??"
" I don't know but it sounded like an explosion, we should check it out"

Grassy and Cody went to see what the source of the noice was and what they saw left them with their jaws open

Right there was Alex fighting an ender dragon

" how the heck did an ender dragon get here!!!

" I dont know Grassy but it might something to do with that portal over there"

" wow I have never seen an ender portal that big before!!"
" yeah"

Another loud explotion but there was something black in the sky....

" Woa did you see that Cody!!!!"
" Yeah we should check it out"

Cody and Grassy went to see what it was. There they found someone liying there in the cooblestone.

" Woa are you okay dude!!"

Cody asked the guy. But all the guy said was

" Tch yeah im fine im made of cole!!"
He said harshly
" Geez no need to yell at me I was just trying to help"

" tch okay im sorry....loser"

Cody was about to attack the guy but Grassy held him back.

" Let go grassy let me teach this butthead a lesson in respect!!"
" Cody thats going to get us no were lets calm down and get to know the guy"


" okay whats your name??"
"Aaron you?"
" Im Grassy and this is Cody"

Cody mumbled

Grassy held back Cody once more

" Hey Aaron do you whant to come tag along with us??"
" What Grassy are you crazy!!?!?"
"Yes I am.So what do you say Aaron??"

" Fine but just so you know im not your friend"
" fine by me"

"Sorry" Cody mumbled

Cody and Grassy left in the rest of there adventure with a new addition that Cody was not happy with....

To be continued....


Wow ten views in the first chapter this is awesome!!! We hope you peeps are enyoing the story and well see you in the next chapter probably tomorrow!!!

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