Chapter Four Armageddon: 2013 Reynold Jay

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Chapter Four

February 11—3:37 P.M.  The White House Press Room, Washington, D.C.

 “I apologize for the interruption.” Whittman poured ice water into a paper cup and gulped it down. “Now what was the question, Chip?”

“Israel—would we defend Israel from a nuclear threat?”

“It is difficult to judge something like that as there would be many details to consider. I imagine we would do everything in our power—we always have considered Israel to be our closest ally in the Middle East.” 

“A ballpark statement would do. Suppose Iran launches a dozen nuclear missiles at Israel….”  

“Well in the event of such overt provocation, that could be considered a threat to our own security. Israel would very likely defend itself. As you know, Israel possesses the fourth largest military in the world and is quite capable of defending itself from something like that.

“We have the NATO Missile Defense System nearly in place and an attempt to eliminate Israel in the manner in which you suggest would not succeed. In that respect, you could say we are defending Israel this very moment and all of Europe as well. Such an overt attack is unlikely because of the EIS. It is more probable that terrorist tactics would be used and we will need to see that such things as 9/11 never happen again.

“I might add that there has been much unwarranted hysteria in the last day because the real question is ‘How does one deliver a WMD of this size?’ And the answer is that it is nearly impossible and as far as we know unmanned missiles cannot do this. Tiny WMD’s can be delivered, but nothing on this magnitude can be launched with the smaller missiles they possess.

“We believe that Iran did this massive test to intimidate the world community and probably has, somewhat at this moment in time—succeeded. I can assure you our sanctions are going to work as we are not alone in viewing these hostile actions as threats to our security.

“Iran, in the end, will succumb to world pressure in one way or another. The president is preparing an address to the nation ASAP, probably in the next day or so, and he will outline the reasons to remain calm and describe some of the systems in place that protect us from a nuclear threat. That is the end of our time today ladies and gentlemen of the Press Corp. We will look forward to seeing each and every one of you tomorrow.”


Captain Davis spoke first. “You are the commander-in-chief. I would not presume to know more about this than you, Mr. President. If there is any way at all acceptable to you my men are ready to do their duty. We could scale it down to one Blackhawk—go unarmed—stay under the radar. Take no risks—we simply want to be there for Robinson.”

“One Blackhawk—no guns. Abort the mission at the first sign of a problem. You could do that in all good conscience?”

“We would be undetected—stealth.”

Bumgardner jumped in. “It would be a risk, Mr. President. Every operation like this has risks.”

Landenberger spoke, “No cowboy antics. I want professionals—your best men with cool heads. In and out—win or lose.”

Davis. “Cool heads. I have them here Mr. President. The best in the world are right here.”

“Never better?”

“Never better!”

“Do it!”

12.5 seconds later a Blackhawk left the deck of the USS Gerald R. Ford with the best of the best headed for Caracas. Operation Watchdogg had commenced.

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