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-Day Four-

Phil's POV

I sat in the back of the police car with Pj next to me. I had never been in one before and now that I am I feel like a bad person. Even though we did nothing wrong, just being in here makes me feel like I did.

We were on our way to the area that he's been sending all of these pictures. I honestly hope I get more today. They'll just make us closer. Liz and whoever the guy is think they're all sly but look at us now.

My phone rang which made Pj and I jump. We were both still tired.

"Is that Dan?" Nick looked at us from the mirror.

"No.. it's my mum." I frowned. I answered the call quickly and greeted her with a positive voice.

"Phil I just saw your video on Twitter... why didn't you tell me?" She asked with a smooth voice.

"Because.. you know when people act all tough around their friends. And then they speak to their mum and just lose it?" I whispered. I wasn't afraid to cry in front of Pj and I've cried several times in front of Nick and Robert...

But with her it was different.

"Honey.. you're going through a lot of different emotions that not everyone has to go through. It's okay to cry. You're still manly." She chuckled softly trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah but.. I'm thirty years old. I didn't want to cry on the phone to my mum in front of three people." I chuckled again. She didn't take any offense to this and just laughed with me.

"So tell me everything. I want to help you." She sounded like she sat down. I did as told explaining everything I knew at the moment. She hummed when necessary and groaned when appropriate.

"Right now we're heading to the area. We should be there soon." I finished, looking at the clock. She hummed once more.

"Well that really sucks. I hope Dan is okay in the end and you guys could be together soon." She sighs. "I'm sure you'll find him. It sounds like you've got a great team." I smile.

"Yeah thanks mum. I miss you. Maybe we could visit you sometime after this." I suggested. We then got off topic and talked about things we haven't had the chance to. My mind felt clear and my nerves were calm.

"I should probably let you go.. I bet you've got busy things today then." She sighed.

"Yeah sounds good." I frowned. "I love you. Thanks for calling."

"I love you too Phil. Let me know how everything goes. Good luck!" She hung up. I set my phone down and leaned into the window. The car was quiet like everyone was listening to us because they have nothing else to think about.

"She sounds like a good parent." Nick spoke softly.

"She is." I replied.

"You know. My father had cancer and passed when I was seven. I never really knew him. But I'm a police officer because he was." He looked at me through the mirror. I frowned.

"That sucks I'm sorry." Pj frowned as well.

"No it doesn't. Apparently he wasn't a loyal officer and did things to my mother. That's why my mum kicked me out once I became an officer at eighteen. She didn't tell me this until two years ago but we've grown somewhat closer. I appreciate people like you Phil. Respect for mothers and other people. My daughter watches your videos ya know." He smirked. I chuckled.

"Maybe we could meet after all this." I suggested.

"She's worried sick about Dan. Wont stop talking about how she hopes that he'll be okay. She also doesn't know that we're working with you."

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