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Dan's POV

Before I knew it, the day was here. It was like time had flown by or even skipped a day when I was sleeping. It was just so sudden when I was woken up at four in the morning to a phone call asking if every detail was right. 

I wanted this day to be special yes but... I also wasn't a wedding planner. Do we need fifteen tables each with four chairs of a certain design? Or could we just do our dining chairs spread out around a huge table? Did we even know that many people?

Maybe instead of cake we could do cookies. Well I do want to shove a slice into Phil's face like all those photos but it's unnecessary. He'll just get dirty and I have my whole life to prank him.

What about the flowers. Yes there's a ton of flowers. A vase on each table, a pot on each corner. It was just too much. I didn't want to spend a lot of money in the first place but this has gotten out of hand.

The meals. Salad and steak then a fancy ice cream. People don't eat that much. Do they?

"Hey... Calm down yeah? After all of this you deserve something nice." Phil kissed the back of my neck as I was staring at all the paperwork and bills. My leg was angrily shaking below me and my hair was pulled in every direction. I'm not good under pressure. 

"We sent everything out yeah?" I asked quickly looking for any forgotten invitations.

"We did. Everything is taken care of, Love, we'll be fine. Today will be great." Somehow he was calm but because he's just like me, he should be worried as hell. 

"People aren't bringing gifts right... I wrote little or no gifts because it's not like we need anything anywa-"

"Dan. By tonight you'll be so happy that you wont even care about any of this." 

"Yeah but tomorrow.. Tomorrow is going to be a mess!" I groaned, putting my head on the table a little too hard causing me to look up at Phil, holding my forehead with a pout. He sighed and rubbed it lightly.

"Tomorrow we're getting on a plane." He mumbled trying to distract me from what he said by organizing my papers which I hated. 

"Oi!" I slap his hand away. The papers were organized for my mind and my mind only if he moved it I would have to do it again. "A plane? How did I not know about this?" 

"I was going to surprise you but we're going somewhere tomorrow. Just for a week but you'll love it." He smiled. 

"Phil! That gives me less time to get my mind in order ahhhhh." I pulled my hair more. 

"Stop worrying. I promise you with everything that I can... it'll be fine. We'll get every bill paid by noon. We'll have a nice wedding. We'll have fun and talk to people and then get some rest. Then we'll pack quickly. Our flight is at eleven so we don't need to rush." He kissed my cheek. "Relax." 

"Alright." I sat back with a sigh and flicked the papers childishly making Phil flick me. I giggled, flicking back. He ended up chasing me around our apartment until we both fell on the couch like we had run a marathon.

The laughs, the light touching which shocked my body. The love in the others eyes. 

"Moments like these..." He gasped for air. "I'm so glad you're marrying me." He smiled at me, grabbing my hands to intertwine our fingers. 

We lay there for a while, I think he even falls back asleep because of how early it was. But all I wanted to do was watch him in his most peaceful state. He was so beautiful to me. So special.

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